some facts for girl frens who has a boyfren. LOL. it doesnt concern me anw. im just too bored staying at home whole day.
1. Guys hate sluts even though they have sex with them!
2. Guys may be flirting around all day but before they go to sleep, they always think about the girl they truly care about.
3. Guys go crazy over a girl's smile.
4. Guys will do anything just to get you to notice him
5. Guys hate it when you talk about your ex-boyfriend or ex love-interest.
6. Boyfriends need to be reassured often that they're still loved.
7. Don't talk about your guy friends to your boyfriend.
8. Guys get jealous easily.
9. Guys are more emotional than they'd like people to think.
10. Giving a guy a hanging message like "You know what?! uh... never mind..." would make him jump to a conclusion that is far from what you are thinking. And he'll assume he did something wrong and he'll obsess about it trying to figure it out.
11. Guys are good flatterers when courting but they usually stammer when they talk to a girl they really like.
12. A usual act that proves that the guy likes you is when he teases you.
13. Guys think WAY too much. One small thing a girl does, even if she doesn't notice it can make the guy think about it for hours, trying to figure out what it meant.
14. Guys seek for advice from girls not other guys. Because most guys think alike, so if one guy's confused, then we're all confused.
15. When a guy asks you to leave him alone, he's just actually saying, "Please come and listen to me."
16. If a guy starts to talk seriously, listen to him. It doesn't happen that often, so when it does, you know something's up.
17. If your best guy friend seems to avoid you or is never around when you're with your boyfriend, he's probably jealous and likes you.
18. When a guy tells you that you are beautiful, don't say you aren't. It makes them want to stop telling you because they don't want you to disagree with them.
19. When a guy looks at you for longer than a second, he's definitely thinking something.
20. Guys don't like girls who punch harder than they do.
21. A guy has more problems than you can see with your naked eyes.
22. Don't be a snob. Guys can be intimidated and give up easily.
23. Guys hate rejection, but they hate being led on even more.
24. If you are going to reject a guy, just do it. Don't say they are like a brother or just good friends, it just hurts even more. Tell them that you aren't interested in a relationship and they will respect you.
25. Guys really think that girls are strange and have unpredictable decisions and are MAD confusing but somehow are drawn even more to them.
26. When a guy sacrifices his sleep and health just to be with you, he really likes you and wants to be with you as much as possible.
taken from some random girl's blog.
Saturday, May 31, 2008
Friday, May 30, 2008
The square root of three" by David Feinberg in Harold and Kumar
I’m sure that I will always be
A lonely number like root three
The three is all that’s good and right,
Why must my three keep out of sight
Beneath the vicious square root sign,
I wish instead I were a nine
For nine could thwart this evil trick,
with just some quick arithmetic
I know I’ll never see the sun,
as 1.7321Such is my reality,
a sad irrationalityWhen hark!
What is this I see,
Another square root of a three
As quietly co-waltzing by,
Together now we multiply
To form a number we prefer,
Rejoicing as an integer
We break free from our mortal bonds
With the wave of magic wands
Our square root signs become unglued
Your love for me has been renewed.
got it from some hot guy's blog la. xinyi you know who right? LOL
I’m sure that I will always be
A lonely number like root three
The three is all that’s good and right,
Why must my three keep out of sight
Beneath the vicious square root sign,
I wish instead I were a nine
For nine could thwart this evil trick,
with just some quick arithmetic
I know I’ll never see the sun,
as 1.7321Such is my reality,
a sad irrationalityWhen hark!
What is this I see,
Another square root of a three
As quietly co-waltzing by,
Together now we multiply
To form a number we prefer,
Rejoicing as an integer
We break free from our mortal bonds
With the wave of magic wands
Our square root signs become unglued
Your love for me has been renewed.
got it from some hot guy's blog la. xinyi you know who right? LOL

today's the last day of the term. here comes the 3 weeks hols. not hols, to be exact. its lame to have mid sem test straight after the hols right? then students will not be able to enjoy their 'hols'. and it is definitely not a break from the hectic timetable we've got. as if whoever who came out with the stupid mst schedule will get to see this. alright im lame.
was rotting at home whole day long. didnt go to sch as i find it stupid to go to sch and have 3 hours break. lesson starts at 9. gems was being cancelled. and the next lesson to attend is at 3. i was intending to go to sch only at 3 for banking law tutorial. and as i was turning round and round on my bed, yiling msged me and said i dun have to go to sch anymore. banking law cancelled. weeeeeeeeee~
i tot i could go tanning today. but it seems like no one is free. and weather is unpredictable. so i tot of jogging. like finally. so much as i wanted to, i cant find my jogging shoes. my house is in a mess, always. and i dun intend to find it any time sooner. i want to have a neat and clean house. i guess i'll have to wait till i have money to hire a part time maid. but too bad, we are really really broke now.
did nth productive today. felt the day was a waste. keep procrastinating. this is not right.
i wanna work this hols. but no job. any job, please contact me.
planning to go batam soon. stupid hols and limited budget dun allow any room for further places.
Monday, May 26, 2008
random facts of peishan's life:
im broke. this time for real.
am using a prepaid card now.
finished 2 days of work. aching everywhere.
simple job. better give me my pay.
did not do any tutorials this week.
last week of school. bfore hols.
chiong-ing for bd project.
driving's slow.
coco's having diarrhoea.
poor me, have to tolerate the pungent smell and clear up the mess.
she poopoo-ed everywhere.
please coco, stop lao sai-ing.
wat's worse, my bro is in reservice now.
everything = IIIIIIIIIII take care.
ive nv ever touched/cleaned up/smelled/saw anything that's so slimy/disgusting/watery/smelly.
it's 'once-i-touch/clean/smell/see-i-want-to-puke' kind of feeling.
come to think of it, i wanna puke again.
my mum saw elvin ng.
she said she saw my bf (:
commented that his face is like tofu.
had durian as supper for past few days.
been eating and eating.
growing fatter and fatter.
damn. diet!!
im broke. this time for real.
am using a prepaid card now.
finished 2 days of work. aching everywhere.
simple job. better give me my pay.
did not do any tutorials this week.
last week of school. bfore hols.
chiong-ing for bd project.
driving's slow.
coco's having diarrhoea.
poor me, have to tolerate the pungent smell and clear up the mess.
she poopoo-ed everywhere.
please coco, stop lao sai-ing.
wat's worse, my bro is in reservice now.
everything = IIIIIIIIIII take care.
ive nv ever touched/cleaned up/smelled/saw anything that's so slimy/disgusting/watery/smelly.
it's 'once-i-touch/clean/smell/see-i-want-to-puke' kind of feeling.
come to think of it, i wanna puke again.
my mum saw elvin ng.
she said she saw my bf (:
commented that his face is like tofu.
had durian as supper for past few days.
been eating and eating.
growing fatter and fatter.
damn. diet!!
Monday, May 12, 2008
What Peishan Means |
Generally, you use your powers for good. You excel at solving other people's problems. Occasionally, you do get a little selfish and persuade people to do things that are only in your interest. You are friendly, charming, and warm. You get along with almost everyone. You work hard not to rock the boat. Your easy going attitude brings people together. At times, you can be a little flaky and irresponsible. But for the important things, you pull it together. You tend to be pretty tightly wound. It's easy to get you excited... which can be a good or bad thing. You have a lot of enthusiasm, but it fades rather quickly. You don't stick with any one thing for very long. You have the drive to accomplish a lot in a short amount of time. Your biggest problem is making sure you finish the projects you start. You are the total package - suave, sexy, smart, and strong. You have the whole world under your spell, and you can influence almost everyone you know. You don't always resist your urges to crush the weak. Just remember, they don't have as much going for them as you do. You are truly an original person. You have amazing ideas, and the power to carry them out. Success comes rather easily for you... especially in business and academia. Some people find you to be selfish and a bit overbearing. You're a strong person. You are usually the best at everything ... you strive for perfection. You are confident, authoritative, and aggressive. You have the classic "Type A" personality. You are very intuitive and wise. You understand the world better than most people. You also have a very active imagination. You often get carried away with your thoughts. You are prone to a little paranoia and jealousy. You sometimes go overboard in interpreting signals. |
Thursday, May 08, 2008
went all over you.
over than before.
even thou i know
you're just being
yes, i know its silly.
or even sick.
forgive me.
wasted time and effort.
unlucky and uneasy.
i finally took up the
you were nice.
i cant believe that,
im talking to you.
i cant believe that,
i did it.
why didnt you respond,
did i say anything wrong.
did i offend you.
whatever reasons it may be.
im nuts.
over than before.
even thou i know
you're just being
yes, i know its silly.
or even sick.
forgive me.
wasted time and effort.
unlucky and uneasy.
i finally took up the
you were nice.
i cant believe that,
im talking to you.
i cant believe that,
i did it.
why didnt you respond,
did i say anything wrong.
did i offend you.
whatever reasons it may be.
im nuts.
Saturday, May 03, 2008
alright. a random post for now. from someone's blog. not very free nowadays. anw, jsut went tanning with lyn, xinyi, joceline, abd cheryl, more details when im free.
Women Who Smoke and Swear
I dont know if you will call this bias or what. When we see a man smoke. A lot of us will take it as ..... yah he is a smoker.When we see a woman smoke. A lot of us will think she is Ah Lian, or that she must be damn bad. Si Za Bo Kia !When we hear a man swear by his words. A lot of us will take it as he is rude, fowl mouth.When we hear a woman swear. A lot of us will have a totally different opinion of her no matter how pretty she is. Bo Lang Ai !I guess the world is fair this way. Come to think of it. A lot of things woman can do, but man cant, for the longest time, we have been biasedly commented too. Its fair I guess.The society has brought every single one of us up to accept a certain norm behaviour for each gender.Some girls think they are cool, swearing. All over, especially in their blogs (this is going down for many generations to come if they dont know). I dont think this is cool.A cool girl states her points, stands by her principles, respects her own value, gender and sexuality, chooses gracefullness over rudeness.The world may have changed a great deal ..... something I feel should stay as it is.
Women Who Smoke and Swear
I dont know if you will call this bias or what. When we see a man smoke. A lot of us will take it as ..... yah he is a smoker.When we see a woman smoke. A lot of us will think she is Ah Lian, or that she must be damn bad. Si Za Bo Kia !When we hear a man swear by his words. A lot of us will take it as he is rude, fowl mouth.When we hear a woman swear. A lot of us will have a totally different opinion of her no matter how pretty she is. Bo Lang Ai !I guess the world is fair this way. Come to think of it. A lot of things woman can do, but man cant, for the longest time, we have been biasedly commented too. Its fair I guess.The society has brought every single one of us up to accept a certain norm behaviour for each gender.Some girls think they are cool, swearing. All over, especially in their blogs (this is going down for many generations to come if they dont know). I dont think this is cool.A cool girl states her points, stands by her principles, respects her own value, gender and sexuality, chooses gracefullness over rudeness.The world may have changed a great deal ..... something I feel should stay as it is.
Thursday, May 01, 2008
❤ 30.04.2008 - 01.05.2008 ❤

you suddenly appeared.
i was totally unprepared. i was very ugly.
i didnt dare to go forward. im afraid you'd act as if you dunno this ugly girl.
all i could do was to hide at a corner.
peeped you from a corner.
so near yet so far. what a waste!
circumstances did not allow us to meet at first.
was dejected. i thought i really had no chance to see you again.
tried my luck. and i was lucky enough. crazy all over you.
stop and stare. a few times.
i did not know what you were thinking. did you really stop and stare at me? or my frens who are prettier?
i took up courage. took the initiative.
i'd risked. and you'd surprised me. i was afraid that you might ignore me. but i tell myself that may be the last chance.
i thought you would forget. i was afraid that you might forget me or think im just another girl trying to talk to you.
but you didnt. you know my name. you still rmb me (:
you caught me when i fall.
we'd shared a stupid conversation. to me, it's not at all. so nice talking to you.
you're always this nice. you're really very nice.
you looked me in the eyes.
you even came forward unexpectedly. at my ugliest moment. and still talked to me.
you'd made fun of me. but i love it. somehow it makes me feel comfortable with you.
you told me you're leaving. ard 2am. i wished i could make you stay, but i know im incapable of that.
that moment, that unforgettable moment. i was shocked and more than elated.
i just hope that time could stop at that moment. i cherished that few seconds. really.
not even in my dreams i dreamt of that. i could be so close to you.
it wasnt ordinary. you held me so tightly (:
you definitely know how to make a girl happy. its been a long time since im so happy.
even for a split second. i love you.
If the heart is always searching, Can you ever find a home? I've been looking for that someone, I'll never make it on my own. Dreams can't take the place of loving you, There's gotta be a million reasons why it's true.
When you look me in the eyes, And tell me that you love me. Everything's alright, When you're right here by my side. When you look me in the eyes, I catch a glimpse of heaven. I find my paradise, When you look me in the eyes.
How long will I be waiting, To be with you again? Gonna tell you that I love you, In the best way that I can. I can't take a day without you here, You're the light that makes my darkness disappear.
When you look me in the eyes, And tell me that you love me. Everything's alright, When you're right here by my side. When you look me in the eyes, I catch a glimpse of heaven. I find my paradise, When you look me in the eyes.
Moving on, I start to realize, I can reach my tomorrow, I can hold my head up high, And it's all because you're by my side.
When you look me in the eyes, And tell me that you love me. Everything's alright, When you're right here by my side. When I hold you in my arms, I know that it's forever. I just gonna let you know, i never wont let you go. When you look me in the eyes. And tell me that you love me. Everything's alright, When you're right here by my side. When you look me in the eyes, I catch a glimpse of heaven. I find my paradise, When you look me in the eyes.
when will i see him again? not anymore?
i dont want that to be the sweetest, and, last goodbye. i will nover forget.
i know its nothing to him.
it's just purely frenship.
but it means alot to me. im just too over him.

you suddenly appeared.
i was totally unprepared. i was very ugly.
i didnt dare to go forward. im afraid you'd act as if you dunno this ugly girl.
all i could do was to hide at a corner.
peeped you from a corner.
so near yet so far. what a waste!
circumstances did not allow us to meet at first.
was dejected. i thought i really had no chance to see you again.
tried my luck. and i was lucky enough. crazy all over you.
stop and stare. a few times.
i did not know what you were thinking. did you really stop and stare at me? or my frens who are prettier?
i took up courage. took the initiative.
i'd risked. and you'd surprised me. i was afraid that you might ignore me. but i tell myself that may be the last chance.
i thought you would forget. i was afraid that you might forget me or think im just another girl trying to talk to you.
but you didnt. you know my name. you still rmb me (:
you caught me when i fall.
we'd shared a stupid conversation. to me, it's not at all. so nice talking to you.
you're always this nice. you're really very nice.
you looked me in the eyes.
you even came forward unexpectedly. at my ugliest moment. and still talked to me.
you'd made fun of me. but i love it. somehow it makes me feel comfortable with you.
you told me you're leaving. ard 2am. i wished i could make you stay, but i know im incapable of that.
that moment, that unforgettable moment. i was shocked and more than elated.
i just hope that time could stop at that moment. i cherished that few seconds. really.
not even in my dreams i dreamt of that. i could be so close to you.
it wasnt ordinary. you held me so tightly (:
you definitely know how to make a girl happy. its been a long time since im so happy.
even for a split second. i love you.
If the heart is always searching, Can you ever find a home? I've been looking for that someone, I'll never make it on my own. Dreams can't take the place of loving you, There's gotta be a million reasons why it's true.
When you look me in the eyes, And tell me that you love me. Everything's alright, When you're right here by my side. When you look me in the eyes, I catch a glimpse of heaven. I find my paradise, When you look me in the eyes.
How long will I be waiting, To be with you again? Gonna tell you that I love you, In the best way that I can. I can't take a day without you here, You're the light that makes my darkness disappear.
When you look me in the eyes, And tell me that you love me. Everything's alright, When you're right here by my side. When you look me in the eyes, I catch a glimpse of heaven. I find my paradise, When you look me in the eyes.
Moving on, I start to realize, I can reach my tomorrow, I can hold my head up high, And it's all because you're by my side.
When you look me in the eyes, And tell me that you love me. Everything's alright, When you're right here by my side. When I hold you in my arms, I know that it's forever. I just gonna let you know, i never wont let you go. When you look me in the eyes. And tell me that you love me. Everything's alright, When you're right here by my side. When you look me in the eyes, I catch a glimpse of heaven. I find my paradise, When you look me in the eyes.
when will i see him again? not anymore?
i dont want that to be the sweetest, and, last goodbye. i will nover forget.
i know its nothing to him.
it's just purely frenship.
but it means alot to me. im just too over him.
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