today's the last day of the term. here comes the 3 weeks hols. not hols, to be exact. its lame to have mid sem test straight after the hols right? then students will not be able to enjoy their 'hols'. and it is definitely not a break from the hectic timetable we've got. as if whoever who came out with the stupid mst schedule will get to see this. alright im lame.
was rotting at home whole day long. didnt go to sch as i find it stupid to go to sch and have 3 hours break. lesson starts at 9. gems was being cancelled. and the next lesson to attend is at 3. i was intending to go to sch only at 3 for banking law tutorial. and as i was turning round and round on my bed, yiling msged me and said i dun have to go to sch anymore. banking law cancelled. weeeeeeeeee~
i tot i could go tanning today. but it seems like no one is free. and weather is unpredictable. so i tot of jogging. like finally. so much as i wanted to, i cant find my jogging shoes. my house is in a mess, always. and i dun intend to find it any time sooner. i want to have a neat and clean house. i guess i'll have to wait till i have money to hire a part time maid. but too bad, we are really really broke now.
did nth productive today. felt the day was a waste. keep procrastinating. this is not right.
i wanna work this hols. but no job. any job, please contact me.
planning to go batam soon. stupid hols and limited budget dun allow any room for further places.