Sunday, December 23, 2007
after barnacles, we went to clarke quay and there we met up with weitek and alvin. to my own dis-belief, we actually went to gotham penthouse. which is a club/pun where older or more mature ladies are there to know more mature guys. to our shock, there is actually a daily male stripping show at 12am and 2am. DAMN, polluted my innocent and pure mind. anw, i strongly advise young poeple not to go to that place as it's free porn everywhere. hahaha. i dun really like the place actually. people, place, music.. sorry! hahaha. there, was where, the 18 year old choon ngee got really HIGH and crazy. he only drank tiger, 2/3 tequilla shots, 2/3 vodka, 1 pop, i think. jasper had a weird interest = like to make and see people drunk -.- he sabo-ed the birthday boy of cus. cn was really high and started to dance ard like chinese medium =x he actually went down to the almost-empty dancefloor to dance himself to TECHNO songs played. classic man. hahaha. and yes, he kept taking photos with everyone. and keep niam-ing. wtf -.- luckily not too overbroad, if not, i slap him already. LOL
went to jetbar. jasper foot the bill. cn was forced to drink one sip of chivas on the rock, but before that, he already puked. puked on the floor like the merlion before the waitress there give him the big trash bag. hahhaa. he got his puking partner there, alvin. puked and slept all the way.
bak kut teh after that. i admit i was already abit TIPSY la. i didnt eat and was sleepy already. hahaha. i think i drank more than wat i did on my birthday. from gotham to jetbar, i lost count on how many cups i drank. i seriously think i drink more than cn. LOL. tequilla shotsssss, vodka sprites, beer, chivas with greenteasssssss. all thanks to the games we played and all the cheers-ing la. hahaha. never mind, happy can already.
6plus in the morning, walked back to clark quay and took train home. reached home, bathed, changed, went out with mummy, came back, went to jp, and slept at 3am. i didnt get to sleep for like, days? night beofre zouk slept at 3plus, night after zouk slept at 3plus, and then no-sleep. call me superwoman. hahha. anw, mum bought me a really good xmas present, she bought me k770i. I LOVE YOU ALWAYS MUMMY!!! see, i dun love my mummy only when she buys me things, i love her always, this love is definitely deeper than bgr love. hahhaa. basically the phone is the same as k800. just that it is slimmer, and no flash, only light. but it's ok. hahaa. it's better than my w660i. THANK YOU MUMMY!!!!
today went to bbdc for FTL 1.01 and 1.02. 1.01, saw ruixing, hahaha. but i didnt go forward to talk to him, i scared he dunno who i am. LOL. sorry, i'm so low self confident one. i'm not dao. then after that, met up with weijian, the ah beng for 1.02. so bored. was only half awake then. then edwin came to enroll. after that, went to westmall to eat. then, homed, while they go for haircut. love the feeling of meeting ups with old frens. provided that the feeling is still almost the same. hahhaa. holidays are time to meet up with frens and chill, loves.
i'm sorry my class, i couldnt make it for the fun-filled bbq. you all sure enjoyed.
meeting up with classmates tmr for movie and steamboat. then after that homed. no countdown, dun even think i'll see the xmas eve night tmr. actually weijian they all got meet up for tmr, but i'm like so outta place la. dunno the people there, well. it's will be disturbing for them to spend their xmas eve with a person they dunno well too. sadded.
xmas is just another day for me..
Thursday, December 20, 2007
later meeting them to barnacles or vivo to eat. after that pub/club.
i want to talk to you. but i dunno wat to talk about and what to start with. you came to talk, i was shocked, happy and overjoyed. i tot and hope that everything will turn out fine or better. best as it can be, i hope everything can start all over again. but it seems not to. it's not the same anymore. we used to talk everything under the sun happily and enjoy each other's pressence. i dunno why, why cant we talk like we used to? is it because i know you too much? or your expiry period for each girl is no longer than two months? we are like having a war everytime we talk now. i detest this feeling. i'm no longer sure wat are we. we are close frens, best frens, frens, acquaintances, or worse, strangers. i always treat you differently like never before. you were once so impt in my life, now still. how did you treat me? have you tot of this question? dun make use of me, that will make me hate you. i dun like this feeling. or is this the end of everything? can i say i dun want to have this ending? do i have a choice, you tell me. you came and went, came back and went. many times. wat do you expect me to do? there are times when i really wanna tell you how i feel towards you. cuz i really wanna know how you feel. but you are just doing wat you usually do, enjoying it, and all i can do is to shut up and get outta of ur life to prevent me from disrupting. why am i so stupid and stuck right here? i've been shutting up and hiding in some corner and see wat you do for so many months already. many times i gave up, but you came back and once again, i fell. why do i land myself in this deep shit. the year is passing, am i going to bring this forward to the next year?
it's broken. it broke accidentally. not on purpose. it fell on the floor and broke into pieces. but the main thing is still there. does this resemble something? it's broken afterall right? i dunno if you still keep the thing. but when i saw it the other time, which was months ago, when things were real fine, i'm more than happy. now... i wish i can stop thinking about it. i'm sorry, but i think i love you.
***You Are 1: The Reformer***
You're a responsible person - with a clear sense of right and wrong.High standards are important to you, and you do everything to meet them.
You are your own worst critic, feeling ashamed if you're not perfect.You have uncompromising integrity, and people expect you to be fair.
At Your Best: You are hopeful, honest, and inspiring. You bring out the best in humanity.
At Your Worst: You are intolerant, judgmental, and picky.
Your Fixation: Resentment
Your Primary Fear: Being corrupt.
Your Primary Desire: To be good.
Other Number 1's: Al Gore, Martha Stewart, Gandhi, Celene Dion, and Spock from Star Trek.
What Number Are You?
went to zouk and the queue is already long. it's only 8.30pm then. it opens at 9pm. and they charged 20bucks for cover charges. everywhere is the same i guess. we went in and it's still very empty actually. at least you dun have to literally squeeze to walk to the bar. yvonne, lyn and i drank tequilla shots first. not bad. quite hot. LOL. then we were like hanging around the main arena. then went to phuture, so empty still. until its bout 10+pm, the people started to 'pile up' LOL. not surprised by the number of people who went there ytd cus today is a public holiday. and the rest of the night was spent squeezing thru and dancing around. yvonne's frens are really high and wild. andrew had low blood sugar and actually going to faint ytd in the club. he scared the freak outta me and lyn. luckily there is a kind couple who helped him. you know, andrew is of big build, so the man actually brought him to the toilet and he almost fainted there too. the man was really good. he made andrew sat outside the gents and hahaha, many tipsy guys actually almost tripped and fell. LOL. the lady went to get plain water for him. he felt better. but he still couldnt really walk properly. he really scared the kell outta me and lyn LOL. next down is yvonne, her sister was going home and wanted her to go home as well. so lyn's cousins went home and lyn and i re-enter. mambo jumbo first the phuture.
until, the music suddenly stopped and guess wat, police raid. right at 2am. so turn off. everyone was talking about getting refund and complaining luh. wtf. like they will -.- me and lyn squeezed al the way out to phuture's entrance and there were policemen taking counts. they were actually counting the number of people in the club. make sure that its not over-populated. then me and lyn went out to the amin entrance and waited for like near to 20 mins. the security guard = a lady, was damn fierce. more fierce than the male bouncers. respect! lyn told her that she just wanna take her bag and leave, then she allowed. but made sure she didnt go back in. LOL. after that we went to cab home. almost 20 bucks with midnight charges. never mind, it's worthwhile, at least we enjoyed it.
something about ytd, madeline and company wanted to go zouk, but the queue was too long, they couldnt get in. khay mar dun have the feel to club, so she didnt come. and ivan and com actually wanted to club at zouk too. but i didnt get to see them. they might not even get in. and i saw my SHUAI GE!!! omg!! i saw him outside zouk. why didnt i see you inside?! LOL. but he's with a girl. wtf. he attached? i oso dunno. but he's so cute!!! omg!! he looked at me, i dunno if he recognised me or wat. best if it's the latter. WOOOOHOOOOO!
you were once the topic of my blog. right now, i got nothing to say about you. why..?
Sunday, December 16, 2007
thank you everyone who has somehow or other helped me along this way. really thanks alot!! love you all(:
arent you happy? hahaha. i dun care actually, as long as i'm happy. LOL.
actually not everything la. hahaha. MOST of it is over. yeah!!!!!
alright i wanna enjoy life now la. i need to
- watch alvin nad the chipmunks
- go suntanning
- go swimming
- go shopping
- let my hair grow longer
- spend more time with my frens, classmates and my family
- settle everything linked with sb club
- learn dancing at old school
- have a new handphone
- go clubbing
- go pubbing
- etc etc etc.
there are hella of stuff for me to do but i cant mention them all out at this moment.. LOL
ive think thru, i have to give up those things that are of low priority in my life. cus i have no time, no money. LOL.
sorry, i just dont love you no more. i shall move on with my life.
i need to give you up. you are obstructing my way. somehow, you dun deserve so much from me too. so sorry, byebyelove. for good.
the other time i went to master khor, a palmist and an astronomist, for some palm reading. hahhaa. it was hella of fun. somehow i can say that he's quite accurate. but later on cecilia and i realised that he told us almost the same thing, we shared the same life or wat? LOL. here's wat he said:
- i am stubborn (ticked)
- i am a perfectionist (ticked)
- i'll be a millionaire (?)
- my hubby will be rich (?)
- my hubby will be a foreigner, a foreign country borned person, a person who travels alot (?)
- i am sexy (ticked - LOL)
- i am like likely to give birth, but i dun like cus i'm a problematic child myself (LOL)
- my judgement on guys is zero or close to zero (really that bad?!)
- my guy will be very different from me (?)
- either he controls me or the other way round (duh)
- i'm going to travel alot (?)
- my boss has to be a guy, if not, she will hate me (?)
- my life is messy (?)
- i'm going to marry at 27 (?)
- i have to take care of my respiratory and digestive system (ticked)
- people in my life who will helped me thru, are guys (?)
- my lucky colour is turqoise (pisces' colour)
- i dun fall in love easily (ticked)
- but once i fall in love with him, i'll go all out for the guy i love (ticked?)
- i will not take the initiative in love even thou i loved him (ticked)
- bla bla bla .. still got alot. you have to probe me for me to tell you more. LOL
i know i have a lot to write. but i cant rmb wat i wanna write. LOL
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
lesson learnt:
learn to let go..
Monday, December 10, 2007
broken down.
unexpected things poped poped poped out just like popcorn.
and they are not tasty. at all.
TOO MUCH THINGS TO TALKED ABOUT. UNPLEASANT ONES. and i dun wanna looked back my archives and realised how useless i am now.
why cant i just live simply. why am i still here, wasting my time, affecting my studies.
somedays i just wanna be normal abit. i wanna live the life i had last time. i missed those days. being so carefree and free. doing things i like to do anytime, anywhere.
so much so for doing so much. and things just dun fall into place. all i can say is that i am unlucky enough thou. i found myself useless, stucked and wasting the earth's resources. somehow i feel that all the blame is on me. i would just pull off everything. if i dun exist, it will not turn out this way. it'll be better off without me. actually i feel like giing up everything and start afresh everything the next day. i will definitely feel better that way. but i just cant do that, cuz i care about wat other ppl said. alot. i will affect me alot. and it'll be breaching of my life principle. i tell myself, i'll breach it if i really cant take it. durians are thorny outside, but inside, it's still soft. seriously. i'm speaking the fact now. prolly leaving at this point of time, will make everything better. if it's the way, please tell me, i dun wanna waste both parties' time.
i really wanna go back to my old life. no life as it can be, at least i will feel more comfortable, and happier. i just wanna lead a simple life? like REAL SOON?
why do i wanna engage myself in stuff that wasted my precious time? i would live my normal life and be the peishan i used to be last time without all these. i always want to quit, but if it's not for some stuff, i just will not even step in into this deep shit if mine. and yes, i've changed. i'm not the peishan that i know i used to be. and i cant rewind it now. i tried too. but prolly, i have to let go off some stuff before some other stuff can happen. i suck. my attitude sucks. my temper sucks too. my critical thinking sucks. i just suck. fuck. i need to go. real soon. no matter how elastic a rubber band can be, it will still snap when it reaches a limit. alright, i know i am not capable. but everyone has to learn this process right. well, i dun wanna talk here all about how i feel, it'll just never end. yes, i did learn alot of things and had memorable memories. but all these.. will be gone someday. i dun want to let go of it, but in life, it's just this way. if you dun allow space, how can you allow more space to come in?
ok. i dunno wtf i am talking and thinking about, now. it's just random tots. whatever i wanna say, i just typed it out. so its ok if you all dun understand you all dun bother too. it dosent matter then. at least i wrote it out.
please let me survive these disgusting days..
SURVIVE is a very big word in this case..
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
deleted last entry. cuz i dun wanna create any misunderstandings.
i have no specific identity, i'm difficult to socialise with and understand. i'm unfriendly. i'm unlikable. i just dunno how to make people to like me. i always tot, it's doesnt matter whether people like me anot. but somehow it surely affected me. i'm trying hard. please forgive me for not being pretty. i know its kindaf random, but people ard me just let me have the feeling that appearances matter. and i know that appearance is very impt in life. if you are not pretty, there goes everything. frens, jobs, money, opportunities in life. its the truth. i have to accept it that i'm not pretty. furthermore, i dun have good personality. i got serious attitude problems at anytime of my life. i dun have good temper, no patience. i am not socialable, not friendly, inconsiderate bla bla bla. the list goes on and on, never ending. but when i ask myself, wat are my good points. i dunno. and cant think of any. i want to get rid of my bad points. give me time, give me chance. and i have to give myself a chance.
yes, i am not happy. i always looked happy on the outside. cuz its tiring to be sad. i can tell you all the truth, i am always acting to be happy and am always sad. can i be peishan without acting to be happy? i guess people ard me will surely sense that there is something not right. or maybe they wun know too. cuz they dun care about peishan. but it's ok. at least my family sense the difference in me.
can i be my real self..
who am i..
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
i am not feeling good.
i am damn BU SHUANG.
i know you first, she knows you later. you like her, she likes you.
i think you really need me to tell you that 'I LOVE YOU' then you'll know that i love you? you are really dumb. you cant feel it?
i dunno why, whatever happens involving you, i'll be affected. this is no good. i told myself to give you up 1 week ago. but hell no.
i dun say that she likes you for no reason. for wat reason is she willing to do so much? this is sundae. you tell me you tell me. i'm DAMN BLOODY BU SHUANG now.
yes she's pretty, yes she's clever, yes she's kind, yes she's cute, yes she's in love with you, yes she's EVERYTHING, and hell yes, you LIKE HER, TOO.
go ahead la seriously, like means like, dun like means dun like already. can you please bloody dun waste time, yours, hers, and mine -.-
all i feel now is that,
i SHOULD HAVE told you that I LIKE YOU long ago, when TIMES ARE GOOD.
now that you dunno how i feel, you feel for others.
i think i better invest my time in more meaningful stuff, but i will not give you up easily.
not i dun want la. but i know i cant.
nevermind mevermind
just hope that
TIME WILL LET LOVE FADES (this is what you said)
Monday, November 12, 2007
yesterday was a slacky day. i mean DAY. mum woke me up at 2pm. which is damn early. i need serious sleep. my dark eye circles .. hais. then i was like rushing around la. cuz we actually have lots of places to go. then then then plans were cancelled. we are only going to suntec. so we slacked infront of the tv. she wanted to watch starsearch encore. and there, all dressed up and wat, i sat there for more than 3 full hours. neh mind. after reaching suntec, coincidentally saw qianyi and juanhui!!!! SCANDAL! only the both of them!!!! hahhaa. then went to collect stuff and shopped around. bro came with carina. ate pizza hut and it's already 10plus. called jac up for timetable. cuz i lost it. then i realised that i need to do a project!! MACROECONOMICS somemore!! wth. and i chiong'ed' till 4am beofre i sleep. this is shit.
today i tot lesson was at 10 which it's supposed to be 9 -.- this is another shit. i'm becoming so slack now. no no no. i wanna be a nerd. haha. went to school, fmkt lec, went to uncle tan's room to sign proposal for charity bazaar and charity cup. then went to ambrose's MACROECONOMICS lesson. it's the lesson that always causes me to have monday blues. then do project. then went down from sb to saa then from saa to sb again in 15 mins. powderful? eaten. lec. uncle tan's tut. photocopy shop. homed.
i think i'm engaging in stuff that i should not be la. this is so not me. but but but. i need to try out sth new in life.
hmm. will update reflections these few days soon (:
Friday, November 09, 2007
yay!!!!!!!! mst i finally over!!! i need to reward myself for forsaking so much of my precious time doing things i wanna do.
overall i think i'll not score well this mst. but it's over. nothing i can do now.
after mst, was quite fed up. damn stressed up. cuz i need to do alot of things. like for this stupid the mission 4 thingy. anw, no matter how stupid it is, please come and support our team!!! qianyi, peishan and laurel with ming zhu jie mei. your parents shud know them. haha. then ask ur parents along too! details are there. SEE YOU ALL THERE!!!!!
went to film for promotions today. at chinatown. was quite sianned at first. cuz i felt like i'm doing sai job for them. for no money and all. i dun wanna go on national tv. damn paiseh. and i have a breakout la. like.. it's at the wrong time. hahah. but forget it man. just treat it like i'm enjoying before i get too old. haha. they were like asking us to pose la. dunno wat to pose also. anyhow. haha. please dun say us act cute if it turns out to be. LOL. qianyi nad laurel are la. not me. LOL. but i dun mind if you all say that i am. hahahaha.
going to sentosa tmr with girlies!!! wee!!
Monday, November 05, 2007
Sunday, November 04, 2007
i cant believe that it's mst tmr. i'm not feeling prepared and confident. i'll not score well. i just want to get it over and done with. there are far too many things for me to do. this is shit.
tmr: CRAA MST 12.00 - 01.00
"uncle tan, sprinkle your holy water on me so i can score well in your subject. lend me your brain during the test. for once, let me be a master of CRAA, i'll burn the lecture notes, mix with water and drink it before i go to the exam hall, bo pi bo pi~"
LOL. i'm crazy already.
tues: BLAW MST 04.30 - 05.30
wed: FF MST 11.30 - 12.30
fri: FMKT MST 08.30 - 09.30
all the best to peishan(:
Friday, November 02, 2007
last saturday: lyn's bdae celebration
went to eat riverside indonesian restaurant at clark quay. walked to robertson quay with a bursting stomach to bar celona. and poped here and there. watched man u vs middlesbrough there. cabbed
last sunday was spent with mummy and grandma at her place.
monday: IKEA outing with SBC.
we were super noisy there as before we headed for ikea, we went to queensway shopping centre for our MC windbreaker and polo tee. we spent almost 2 hours there in one shop -.-
we were shopping for new furniture and fixtures for our dearest 2nd home, clubhouse. we were too noisy that the personnel actually warned us and we had to split our way. LOL. we took lotsa pics as well.
some spastic ones : THROW FELICIA, and glen lazing under a big piece of leaf as it was a hot day -.-
normal one
tues = lyn's birthday.
went out with her tgt with min to causeway point. had gelare and did some stuff at creative art corner while waiting for min to come. felt like a kid then. LOL. had swensens. it sucks. took some neoprints -.-
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
was supposed to have lesson at 9am today. i woke up at 8am and decided not to go to sch. since i know i'm gonna be late for uncle tan's lecture which is the most impt lesson today.
my voice sucks now. due to COUGH+FLU+SORE THROAT, which yiling passed to me last week. thanks la -.- it's been a long time since i was sick.
off to the doc's at bout 2+pm and i was given two days mc. which is like veri 'bo hua' cuz i only have 1 lesson tmr. but it's kindaf impt as it's blaw. kindaf not impt as i will not understand wat the tutor is gonna talk about. still in conderation if i wanna go to school tmr.
slept and slept at home.
i'm kindaf worried bout my mst. cuz i have been cutting lessons as and when i like, and not doing any tutorials since the start of this term. which i realise tat it's totally different from what i was in year 1. i need to maintain a good gpa man. it dropped too much since i joined sb club. i need to better manage my time ):
Sunday, October 21, 2007
YAY!!! WE WON!! 67 - 19!!!!!
and hell yes, they were super SHUAIIIIIIII while scoring!!! WOOOOOOOOTS!!!
during break.

after khad's back from commonwealth, we decided to buy her a cake and celebrate her birthday. so jeremy chiong-ed to bang deli to buy the cake as she's in a rush to leave. so isaac and me were talking crap in the rubbish to let her stay longer. haha. isaac even sang her a self-composed song as a birthday present. LOL until the cake arrived at the bball court, we led her out and celebrated there tgt with ntoh, it's his birthday the next day. haha. passed to khady her taufik dar dar's albums and poster. haha. she's crazy over him.
basically, the cake sucks. it's not sweet, it's SALTY. and with the stench of smell from bang deli. haha. and it's super hard such that they cant cut the cake and the knife stucked there vertically. and you cant move it. haha.
after climbing hills, we went to petrol station and wash up, until i realised sth on felly's neck!!! there must be something that jeremy did on the coach. tsk tsk tsk.
this 'lovebite' is super HUGE. 2 - 2.5 cm ok??? hhaha. the guys (sb bball team) were asking jeremy how he did it. LOL.
then they actually bought a veri 'unique' ice cream. which can be extended in length as you sucked it. haha. it's slimy and long and ...
it's sth that marcus introduced. LOL. but i saw it long time ago when edmund ate it in sec school times. LOL
look at his face and you'll know howw much hee loved it. haha.
Monday, October 15, 2007
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Saturday, October 13, 2007
i wished that i can let you know that you're important to me.
i wished that i dunno you,
i wished that i know nothing about you,
so that i wun find myself struggling for nothing..
i wished that everything can start all over again..
i wished that there was so much more than what we are now.
i dunno why i did that, cuz i regretted.
i was so afraid, so worried.
and i realised that there are too much about you that i care.
but you dun care.
and what's the point of me doing all these?
i'm dying the further this thing goes
can we go back to where and how we were before?
do you know?
will you know?
well, like you care.
headed off to my handsome cousin's birthday party. he's 7 years old now.
happy birthday to you,
happy birthday to you,
happy birthday to alston,
happy birthday to you!
lastly, happy 7th birthday to you, alston!!
Friday, October 12, 2007
Thursday, October 11, 2007
second quater: smit leading.
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
thurs lessons start at onli 2pm! so i can stay up till late!
went to clubhouse today after school, so fun! haha. i love the wed's clubhouse! so noisy. as long as i dun have to go there to settle treasury stuff, i am enjoying myself. and i admit that i'm a lousy treasurer. LOL =X
i went there for the purpose to settle some treasury stuff, after that went to makan with jeremy, you wei and ivan. slacked in clubhouse until khady asked me to go bball to see hunks!!! yeah again!!! hahaha. talked under tree and rain. haha.
back to clubhouse and this was wat we did!

alright, basically, the year ones are going to turn sb club into a nerds club. how sad it is. wat a big turn off! not professional anymore! haha.
anywae, i have added a planner coloumn at the side. basically i have lotsa things that i need and want to do. so i'll have to plan. sounds unlike me. but neh mind. haha. those blank spaces does not mean that i'm veri free. and i need my social life too! just that i lazy to fill in now. haha. anw, got the idea from ongton. haha. thanks ah nerdy.
Sunday, October 07, 2007
only went to school for gems. overslept and missed the first two lectures. the reason y i went to sch was that there werent anything for me to eat at home -.- slackked at T15 benches with jac and jaslyn. until some christian society 'promotors' came. c'mon la, i was so skilled in handling such ppl. LOL. i was like all the way 'attitude' them and she said that i'm WISE. wtf? -.- banged into e d s mond, ongton, ceecee, and pearly shell. ceecee told me that my bag was unzipped while she put a piece of our dearest and latest awareness pamplet into my bag wile i was talking to the rest. wth?!