only went to school for gems. overslept and missed the first two lectures. the reason y i went to sch was that there werent anything for me to eat at home -.- slackked at T15 benches with jac and jaslyn. until some christian society 'promotors' came. c'mon la, i was so skilled in handling such ppl. LOL. i was like all the way 'attitude' them and she said that i'm WISE. wtf? -.- banged into e d s mond, ongton, ceecee, and pearly shell. ceecee told me that my bag was unzipped while she put a piece of our dearest and latest awareness pamplet into my bag wile i was talking to the rest. wth?!
xuansheng's bdae celebration. went to yuki yaki @ marina square.
then we started pouring vodka into our cups with sprite and drink. ah-long was insisting to go somewhere darker so no one cud see him transforming into a lobster. LOL. anw, we went to esplande and played open numbers to clear the vodka with sprite. haha. ON THE ROCK (vodka only) or BLOAT TO SUFFOCATION (alot of sprite), depends on your luck. and mine was still ok, was not bloated to suffocation, but drank loads of vodka only. luckily i'm not K.O-ed like ah min. urined in the bus still dunno. wtf? LOL
i bet kexin can drink better than ah-long.
the cutest eeyore i had ever seen! haha.
sentosa with half the class. haha. not alot of pics yet. cuz in digital cam. which is with jaslyn. neh mind, upload wat i've got first.
was worrying bout the rain and was intimidated by it. as we're not having lotsa fun. but until the sun is out and we did have fun. haha. went to wash up after that. not tanned at all. but it's ok.