last saturday: lyn's bdae celebration
went to eat riverside indonesian restaurant at clark quay. walked to robertson quay with a bursting stomach to bar celona. and poped here and there. watched man u vs middlesbrough there. cabbed
last sunday was spent with mummy and grandma at her place.
monday: IKEA outing with SBC.
we were super noisy there as before we headed for ikea, we went to queensway shopping centre for our MC windbreaker and polo tee. we spent almost 2 hours there in one shop -.-
we were shopping for new furniture and fixtures for our dearest 2nd home, clubhouse. we were too noisy that the personnel actually warned us and we had to split our way. LOL. we took lotsa pics as well.
some spastic ones : THROW FELICIA, and glen lazing under a big piece of leaf as it was a hot day -.-
normal one
tues = lyn's birthday.
went out with her tgt with min to causeway point. had gelare and did some stuff at creative art corner while waiting for min to come. felt like a kid then. LOL. had swensens. it sucks. took some neoprints -.-
wed: clubhouse and SPSU vs SB bball match
went to clubhouse wanting to settle charity bazaar's proposal. and wtf, ms cynthia ang is not there. she went to a meeting. and dunno wat time she'll be back. forget it. watched SPSU vs SB bball. was abit pissed during match. but nvm. it was the best game i'd ever seen. we lost by 11 points. but that's really good, cuz spsu has got a real strong team. not only their bball team members are good, they are damn 'big sized'. except one or two. there are 2 ivps (if i'm not wrong) while our side .. we got real strong team too. but we only have 1 ivp and we are small sized as compared to them. and they played rough. it's like bullying us right? i lost count on how many time sthey actually fell down, elbows here and there, specs flying, and rolling on the floor to snatch ball.. nvm. it's the refree's fault. but it's reali exciting.
went to have botak jones after that. didnt eat as i was darn full. home-d with yilaine, ntoh's girl fren, who coincidentally lived in boon lay as well. she is coincidentally ed's, swensen's, choon ngee's, weixiang's, kenny's blah blah blah primary schoolmate too. you know, hua yi has lots of pioneer pri's kids.
thurs: one and only day at home.
fri: mediacorp day.
stupid ivan went to signed up for the mission 4, channel 8's variety show for the 6 year 2's in sb club. the year 1's are already in the show. we actuallly regretted joining waaaaay before they contacted us. that was because i saw felly's beautiful costume. LOL. anw, there was no way to back out. reached there in 1.5 hours from my house. that's long. i can finish reading 1 chapter of my FF on the way man.
reached there. super sian-ed. guess who's our celebrity. it's ELVIN NG AND JOANNE PEH! yeah right. i think you guys cant guess. they are too .. 'not popular'. lin xiao and miss mole. that's for my group which consisted of me, ivan and guohua. we are team 1. the other team, team 2 - glen, laurel and qianyi, had ming zhu jie mei as their celeb. ok, this is real lame i know. and i dun want to go in the first place. wth. we are going to sell horlicks for goodness sake. our task is to sell kopihor, which is a mixture of kopi and horlicks. can be hot or cold. they said it's nice. who cares. we are also selling hong kong style 'gong zai' mee tgt with kopihor as a set for just $2! sounds like i'm already promoting right. never mind. we'll lose. dun worry. their celeb are popular amg the aunties and uncles. but they are selling horlicks dinosaur with frech toast. which is a more normal breakfast. who will eat MEE in the morning with KOPI+HORLICKS?! but neh mind. you all can try. $2 only.