as i was reading my post again and again and again, im missing redang real badly. i wanna go back asap. it's definitely the best place for a short getaway from this fast paced lifestyle we are leading here in spore. I MISS REDANG BADLY!! 6 more mths..
initially i wanted to be selfish about our trip to redang (mind you people, it's 'rEdang', not 'rENdang'). but i realised that i cant help but to keep sharing how fun the redang trip was to frens. now, many of our frens are planning to go to redang. darn. read this super duper long entry and you'll know why i wanted to be selfish but i cant.
let me share with you guys what did we do in that 3 days & 2 nights back at the lovely island, PULAU REDANG.
7th september 2008, sunday, 10pm
all of us arrived at golden mile complex. the bus left and my bro's car was always, always, beside me. and me, being a typical emotional piscean girl, cried like nobody's business. the redang girls kept laughing at me :( watched hancock on coach and forced ourselves to sleep. apparently, lyn and xy slept comfortably but joc and i didnt sleep well. to be precise, i didnt sleep at all.
8th september 2008, monday, 9.30am
after 10 hours of coach ride, we reached a jetty with many cats. unfortunately all of us are afraid of cats and we kept lifting up our legs i think we could might as well do crunches there. ferry's there and it was 1 hour away from the pretty island.
we arrived at the back of the island and were welcomed by the personnels there. went through a short briefing of what we could do in the island and registered as well as checked in our room. joc caught a short nap while the rest of us watched 'summer holiday', '夏日的麽麽茶'.
fyi, its a movie featuring richie ren and sammi cheng film right in front of laguna redang, which was a wonderful place to stay in. the movie was shown 24/7 non-stop in one of the all-malaysian-channels of the tv in the room. and for the rest of the trip, we kept singing the addictive, 浪花一朵朵 and 快乐不快乐.
come everyone, let's sing together!
ps: my current blog song!!
anw the more more tea inn is being located in front of laguna redang. its currently a gift shop. we took some pics with it and shall wait for more pics from joc. after having lunch with a full view of the breathtaking scenary, we rented our snorkelling equipment. IT'S DEFINITELY MY FAVOURITE ACTIVITY NOW!
it was soon 3pm and all of us got ready for our virgin SNORKELLING trip! i was damn terrified as im the only non-swimmer among them and i was afraid that the girls might not care bout me and snorkle their way off. i was even more afraid that i might drown or die or anything like that. all of us were kindaf paranoid by the fishes and corals and jellyfishes. unlucky xy got stung by jellyfish and she didnt know until the next day.
snorkelled, bathed, made up and got all ready for dinner! and there were some disgusting msian guys actually took video of us while we were having dins and apparrently we got fed up and left quickly. went to have airbrush tattoo at the recreation centre and had a nice chat with the person and he actually told us that shooting stars are very common in redang. went to have lychee martini at the beach bar while the rest had their ice kachang.
joc and me
walked along the beach in front of laguna redang and went to the beach club and got all high over there. its amazing when you hear clubbing songs at a peaceful island. sat on the powdery sand and chitchatted a lil. we tried our luck looking for blue sand. the blue sand was a miraculous sight. we managed to find a few blue sand and were screaming out of excitement. what's blue sand? blue sand is actually plankton that was being left on the shore after low tide. it glows in luminous blue and when rubbed with friction, the sand will continue to glow in LED blue.
SNORKELLING IN MARINE PARK!! the fishes were of uncountable nouns and there were alot of jellyfishes there. the 2 persons-in-charge of us (one middle aged funny man and handsome) brought us to see different colourful corals and that's where lyn got her jellyfish sting. as we were preparing to go back, they both brought us 4 to a shipwreck and we had our beautiful-like-photoshopped pictures there. joc got her cut there. the two were hilarious. as we were snorkelling, they picked up sea cucumbers and said 'boy! your mummy calling you!' and squeezed them as if the sea creatures were peeing. they both brought much laughters and screams from us.
after shipwreck, we actually missed the first vessel to ferry us back. and we got motorboat to speedily bring us back to laguna. it was very bumpy and it turned as if we were gonna drop into the sea. everyone on the motorboat was laughing at us as we were all screaming and laughing like mad.
pure relaxation
after snorkelling we wanted to suntan. xy applied sunBLOCK and the rest of us applied sunTANNING oil. BUT, after the suntanning session, apparently only xy got tanned. however, as i was checking my tan now, i think i got a lil chocolatey.
somehow the whole lifesavers team know that we got very paranoid of jellyfishes and kept teasing us. as we are loud by nature and we kept saying 'wahlao eh' there, it seems like the people there got the disease after teasing us too! we officially became the 'wahlao eh' group. we made a few friends there. namely: matyi, the cute and crazy one who brought us around the gorgeous aquarium during the last snorkelling trip. lake, who apparently didnt pay much attention teaching the chinese girl and was instead teasing and playing with us. and handsome, the 19-year-old guy who pushed each and everyone of the tourists (big or small) down into the sea to take pretty pictures as well as absorbing all the precious scoldings from his mentors.
so during the last snorkelling trip, we saw, touched and experienced so much more than the rest in the gigantic aquarium with matyi who made us swim like never before in my life. but it was breathtakingly pretty, awesome, gorgeous and whatever-that-fits-the-word-pretty. i will never forget the sight, the experience and everything there.
after snorkelling, washed up and dinner time. then headed towards recreation centre for massage. xy and joc had full body massage while lyn and i had foot and back massage. it was my virgin visit to the masseur. i had a lady masseur att first. she was gentle but however i was complaining 'pain pain!'. well, i had lyn male masseur to help me 'delibrately sprain' my neck. he hadnt even start doing that, once he pressed my back, i was exclaiming in pain already. he's strong. xy and joc came into our room and had fun laughing at us screaming in pain.
after tearing, they detected problems with my back and shoulders which are super stiff, liver, eyes and ears. lyn had some with her back and shoulders, kidneys and eyes. all these are results of much studying (:
after massge, we bought our snorkelling pictures. the 3 taught me mahjong. i was so confused until handsome came and helped me. till now, i just dun understand mahjong. played until recreation centre closed and went to another expedition with the newly made friends. they scarificed their sleeping time for us. they brought us to look for more blue sand and to walk along the real long beach. went to another live band pub by the beach.
we had coconut drink there, chitchatted and started playing 5-10 when the night grew higher. we did lotsa silly forfeits. poor lake, got bullied by me as i was damn lucky that night. he did over 15 silly forfeits. sorry! we left about 3plus4 as the guys had to wake up at 8am, early in the morning, for their super-fun jobs.
10th september 2008, wednesday, 7am
dead for 3 hours and woke up for breakfast. after which, we had to bid goodbye to this wonderful island.
everything's so great there..
i love pulau redang for everything that is so beautiful there.
i love the sand. so powdery, it makes you feel like lying on it anytime. so soft that you need not worry about any broken glass.
i love the sea. it is so pretty that it looks fake. it is so clear that it makes you think that swimming pool is nothing.
i love the fishes. they swim across you like you're no one and they're living happily in their own world. showing off how pretty their world is.
i love the corals. they not only decorate the underwater world, they also allow other sea creatures to grow on them. they definitely act as a playground and brought fun to the fishes.
i love the people there. they live without worries except jellyfishes. they work for their passion and i admire them from the bottom of my heart. they are real friendly that they can even sacrifice their sleep in order to act as a warm host to us.
i love snorkelling. it makes me feels like im living in my own world. living in part of the underwater world. no doubt the place is of a slower pace, but i love it. the peacefulness, calmness, relaxation, and serenity is something that i had never ever experienced in my entire life.
everything there contrast and bring out each other's greatness and that, makes me fall in love with that small little island.
'sometimes, life passes so quickly that you will miss out the best things in life..'