next up, examssssssssssssssssss
15 aug
9am - 12pm
CSB final test
19 aug
2pm - 4pm
CF exam
21 aug
6pm - 8pm (kuku timing)
Investment exam
25 aug
6pm - 8pm (i hope there'll be blackout)
Banking Law exam
28 aug 9am - 11am
CRAA II exam
and im like a bodoh la. always. i tot study week is gonna be two weeks. until yesterday. i just realised. it's kindaf late. and what's more unfornate, im a procrastinator. i know i wun have time to study. yet i sleep alot. no choice. if i dun sleep, i'll not be happy -.-
everyone has started revision. but me, im going to watch the mummy with xinyi later! im already in a holiday mood !!!
its 8th of August 2008, 8:08pm as i started typing this sentance.
start things slow and steady, lest you sprint and die. excitement dies down