30 june 2008
went to the sp mac meeting. was assigned to a make up artiste. was supposed to have ashowcase. but but but, hahaha. qianyi and i had since withdrawn and had two year 1 girls to replace us (:
02 jul 2008
was supposed to have lunch with ben, but postponed it. cus i was excercising for napfa which is tthis coming friday, 18 jul 2008. IM GONNA FAIL NAPFA for the first time in my entire life!!! i practically cant run more than 2 rounds, cant pull myself up for incline pull-up, cant fly for standing broad jump and cant even touch my feet for sit and reach!
clubbed with xinyi the ba po in the night. we reached zouk at 9.15ppm, before it opens. the queue was alre all the back to carpark! amazing isnt it? nevertheless, we tried queuing up for phuture. meanwhile, xinyi's fren, vanessa (dbf) and co. came and join in the queue. some people cut the queue in front and the queue wasnt moving.
xy and i were walking back and forth and tadah! i saw my love! charming is he! he came later than me but he already got in phuture. some privilleges he and his frens got. saw hl and co. too. they got in too even though they came later. for some reason or other. my love was so nice :) apologised cus he couldnt get us in.
back, we finally saw the entrance of phuture, then the security placed the 'tickets sold out' stand right in front of us. wtf! we were damn disappointed and angry cus it's just a few persons before we could get in! we went to mambo instead. my love's in phuture. so near yet so far. the morale was totally low low low low low low low low~ so the both of us went ahead and had roti prata. hl told us that buying tix will entitled us to go into phuture. so quickly finished our pratas and gave it a shot. but nope, hl was wrong =x my love told me to go into phuture after a certain time. so we spent like 4 hours in mambo.
initially we totally dun like mambo. cus we felt left out. as we do not know the dance steps. its like everyone knows it. but we managed to picked up some moves after 4 hours. the songs there are addictive and the guys there are better than those in phuture that night.
went to washroom and saw vanessa and co. wasted. yes, that's them in the pic. that night was one of their fren's bday. and they drank shots and there, became like this. i do not know vanessa in the first place. but she was so high that she said 'i know how to spell your name backwards!!! N-A-H-S-I-E-P' she was drunk, yes she was screaming and yelling too.
so when the certain time came, xy and i tried our luck to get into phuture. but we couldnt. then i complaint to my love. he came and find us and find out whether we could get in. meanwhile xy and i were standing like a zombie, cus we were turned off. my love then came and told us we could get in alre! we went in and once again, my love is great! isnt he sweet? love him.
we went into phuture and there was only half and hour left for us before the club lighted on. however, even though the songs were high but it was no fun at all. cus there were these two pushy fellows irritating us -.- we avoided them by telling that we were meeting our frens on the other side, but they insisted to follow us. lost and didnt know what to do, called my love up but i totally cant hear him. msged him and he told me to play with the guys. wth. but that's the only way apparently. so we talked shit and managed to leave zouk safely.
anw, we saw a number of people there. other than frens we know, we saw fiona xie and jj lin. fiona xie was talking to ang mohs and she didnt revealed much for the guys' info. jj lin knocked into me for a couple of times. i was agitated by the stupid guy and stared at jj lin. i didnt know it's him until xy told me. but he's nice, he apologised everytime he knocked into me. even thought it is normal in the club, everyone is squeezing.
ps: i love my love :)
03 jul 2008
sb agm! had muscleache and was walking like a crab. i think its not obvious though. received cert and a token of appreciation from mr mahean and tadah! I AM OFFICIALLY OUT OF SBC! to be happy or sad, i dunno. both probably?! anw uncle tan's son is sooooo good looking! i wanan reserve him since uncle tan said in lecture 'its ok if your father's poor, as long as your father in law is rich, then ok!' just joking uh, wat a big age gap.
06 jul 2008
went suntanning with xy and shirlyn at the swimming complex! was afread that it might be weird since everyone goes to sentosa for tanning. but we, are on budget, went to swimming complex. but hey, there's a section specifically for tanning. so it's not weird right? met up with swen for lunch tgt in the kopitiam. cheap but quality time spent there.
07 jul 2008 yiling's arm being beaten by bennth and her palm after beating bennth.
08 jul 2008
after school, went home with xy and decided randomly to go to her house for dinner and for exercising! ran from her house to sports complex and i had stiches on the way. so i gave up. reached there and did some stretching. it's been proven, do some exercise first then stretch. miracles can happen!
she cant even touched the ankle in the first place and now she can touch her toes!
09 jul 2008
watched 10 promises with my dog with jacwqueline, yiling, angela, ronguan, weijun, benneth and nicholas at cine. great show! all girls + beenneth + nicholas cried! even though nicholas kept denying. we insisted that he cried. he couldnt possibly be sweating in the theatre after 1hr+! jac and i cried like mad. we cried till our eyes were swollen. jacq's make up was goner and clever people like me, didnt put on any that day since i knew i was gonna cry. yiling at first said that she would not cry at such stupid shows and betted with jacqueline. but, she cried like until her uneven eyeliner smudged.
11 jul 2008
went to xy's place for stayover since we were going for tanning at sentosa the next day early in the morning. reached her place at about 9+pm. and we caught red cliff at jp 11+pm. the movie was 2.5hrs long and it's the very first time i watched such 'war-y' shows. the only reason i would watch that was tony leung. red cliff was not bad actually. walked back to her place at 2+am and did masks and pedicure tgt. until 4+am beofre we turned in.
we woke up at 7+am. and got ready for sentosa. sp oops! had hook'd event there at cafe del mar. so we went there too. however, we didnt spent time in del mar, we spent time tanning ourselves outside del mar. chatted with xiliang and his cousin, yifan and damn, they are irritating. anw, went to del mar and exchanged loads of drinks. in order to clear the drinks, we played 5-10 and i drank so much that i kept visiting the toilet every 5 to 10 minutes! washed up and they left. xy and i was relaxing there. saw reeve and nizam. caught up with them awhile and we left to vivo and to town. saw donald and alvin from skateboarding club.
went to heeren and saw alfred in mooks. walked pass the first time, he looked at me, i looked at him. but did nth. second time i went in the shop, the rest laughed. xy said, he must have tot there was a girl looking at him cus he's good looking and boasted to his frens. but hey, you shud feel lucky that i went in for the second time to look for you -.- went into num and saw hl and his frens. they wanted to watch red cliff. and we were giving comments.
went to cine hk cafe to have dinner and after that saw xy's fren, jiawei, in num flipflops. talked and talked. and i totally have no image. i was bitching and laughing like nobody's business. omg. please understand that that wasnt myself last night. i was high. as we were talking, saw justin who i didnt see in del mar but in cine instead. shocked to see him there and he was saying 'you came from sentosa to cine?' i said 'yea. why are you here then?' he replied 'i drive here so it's easier for me'. i diao-ed him and his fren commented 'hahaha. you obi. being diaoed by her'. oh, i forgot to mention the earlier part of the story. the night beofre sentosa, we were chatting online and he told me he's going to one degree 15 after that. i was envious as i know in my life i might not have a chance to go in. then he said 'life of the rich and luxurious' or sth like that, along that line. i teased and said he's proud. so yea, it explains why i diao-ed him uh. he apologised online after i got home that he might sound abit crude. LOL!! i was just joking with him! tsk tsk tsk. maybe i shouldnt joke next time.
we are trying hard to make our face smaller.