it's his 25th birthday on 5th June 2008!!!
even though he's still childish and often makes the whole family worrying bout him, i still love him from the bottom of my heart. he brings laughter and joy to our home and stop being so hot tempered! please stop yelling at mum. im angry. not pissed. hahahaha. ok la. i know he still loves us all(:

went for a job interview with lyn in clementi. hopefully he hires the both of us. good money huh.
jp to walk ard and got a piercing. on top of my ear. i tot i'll be afraid. but ppl are piercing everywhere, what's there to be afriad about having a small hole in your ear?
bro drove us to ps and have lao beijing. really full.
back to taman jurong for party world. till 1am. yes, my family is very high when its late at night.
pics for the night will be uploaded soon. lazy to transfer from cam to pc. some pics to end off!
yes, we are on very good terms like these. most of the times.
ps: xinyi has been making great great steps towards her love life. with a VERY x 100000000000 times, HOT x 1000000000000000000000 times, guy.
i want that too ):
im SAD, not Single And Desperate. maybe yes. LOL.