you might wanna know that the friendster horoscope is kindaf accurate. at least so far for me.
The Bottom Line
It's not your job to fix your friend's problems. Take a more hands-off approach.
In Detail
It's not your responsibility to fix the problems in one of your friend's lives. You need to be supportive of them, but you have to stop putting so much pressure on yourself. And if they choose to ignore your solid advice, you can't be frustrated by their continued failure. Sure, you know that they are making a huge mistake, but they don't -- the only way they will learn is through trial and error. Take a more hands-off approach to your friendship. It's the best thing for both of you.
yes, ive been stressing over friends and ya, probably i shouldnt care so much since they dont care too. no point. sorry. i shall only care for those who bothered. im selfish. i believe everyone is. on the other hand, i think i've been too anti-social, unfriendly, unkind to my friends. im not the sweet sweet kindaf person. im stingy when it comes to expresing love. im shy. LOL. but i love you all. okok. i'll try to express my love for you guys.
i've got no life. been staying at home after papers ended while others are out there partying and having fun. it seems like the whole world is not free. well, they have their own lives. i wanna go suntan. but i dont want it, alone. i seriously cant bring myself to do it. it's too emo for me. i live an empty life. hahaha.
the papers are hard and im gonna screw up.
i hope next week will be fun.
mon: meeting with sp mac (???)
wed: ladies' night! (must be fun! or i'll be pissed)
thur: sbc agm (fun or not?)
sat: out (it better turn out fine and not awkward)
sun: sentosa? (to be confirm)
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Saturday, June 21, 2008
tmr's my mst and im still procrastinating. i have no sense of urgency. i dun have the studying mood. im really gonna screw up. just pray that i wun fail any modules. a pass will do. i dun expect much.
thanks for people whom i regard as friends who are looking down at me, discouraging me, and mocking at me. you dont have to worry that i might compete with you. cus im nobody, nothing. even if im something, im only a small fry that will not have any effect on anyone of you. the world is competitive and i know that you all know that you're better. dont have to deny it. i seriously hate competition to the core. it affects friendship. i know this is singapore afterall. but is there really a need to compete this strong? everyone is trying to outshine each other. killing each other. arent you all tired? there's no more genuine frenship, will there? i can stop dreaming. dun worry, i wont do better than you all. go ahead and celebrate.
friends. what are they?
at this point of time, im being held back. is it only me? i have a feeling. it's gonna fall apart. there's no longer substance, it's only the form. why do i feel that they are not there? other's are not like this. but why are mine like this? why. i cant figure out seriously. or in the first place. there isnt any. im suspecting the friendship we all have here. i pray, please dont let anything happen. i love them as they are. i miss the time we all had together. why is it all gone now? its no longer the same anymore.
reassure me that there's genuine friendship.
tell me that i wont be alone. sorry i know its irritating. but im not feeling secure.
maybe it's just me?
i realise, i dun say 'im happy'.
ok. enuff of the emoshit.
things i have to do after thurs.
- meet ups!
- sentosa!
- shopping!
- clubbing!
- drinking!
- &&&many many more!
people, please spare some time to accompany me celebrate!
thanks for people whom i regard as friends who are looking down at me, discouraging me, and mocking at me. you dont have to worry that i might compete with you. cus im nobody, nothing. even if im something, im only a small fry that will not have any effect on anyone of you. the world is competitive and i know that you all know that you're better. dont have to deny it. i seriously hate competition to the core. it affects friendship. i know this is singapore afterall. but is there really a need to compete this strong? everyone is trying to outshine each other. killing each other. arent you all tired? there's no more genuine frenship, will there? i can stop dreaming. dun worry, i wont do better than you all. go ahead and celebrate.
friends. what are they?
at this point of time, im being held back. is it only me? i have a feeling. it's gonna fall apart. there's no longer substance, it's only the form. why do i feel that they are not there? other's are not like this. but why are mine like this? why. i cant figure out seriously. or in the first place. there isnt any. im suspecting the friendship we all have here. i pray, please dont let anything happen. i love them as they are. i miss the time we all had together. why is it all gone now? its no longer the same anymore.
reassure me that there's genuine friendship.
tell me that i wont be alone. sorry i know its irritating. but im not feeling secure.
maybe it's just me?
i realise, i dun say 'im happy'.
ok. enuff of the emoshit.
things i have to do after thurs.
- meet ups!
- sentosa!
- shopping!
- clubbing!
- drinking!
- &&&many many more!
people, please spare some time to accompany me celebrate!
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
at this point of time. just 4 days to mst.
i fell sick.
people, get ready to celebrate when you see peishan screwing up her mst.
i guess no matter how strong a person can be, there will be times and times when he felt weak..
the rain's pouring like cats and dogs..
i felt weak and helpless deep inside..
there's no one to catch me when i fall..
i fell sick.
people, get ready to celebrate when you see peishan screwing up her mst.
i guess no matter how strong a person can be, there will be times and times when he felt weak..
the rain's pouring like cats and dogs..
i felt weak and helpless deep inside..
there's no one to catch me when i fall..
Monday, June 16, 2008
last saturday and sunday.
introduced my my polymate;'s fren. this was what i heard from my fren. working for S#$%%^b. pay's reasonable. working hrs were from 12 - 8pm. job was basically giving out flyers, ice cream, balloons, water. free shirt. suntec city. sounds fun huh? so i agreed to accept the job.
got to know that location was changed to outside ngee ann city instead of suntec city. im cool with that. then when i reach there. i saw my fellow partners for the station moving cartons and cartons of 24 water bottles, a big box (half my height) of napkins, bags of unblown balloons. from wisma to ngee ann city. it was from the start of orchard to the end of orchard. mind you. everyone of ngee ann's station is considered as skinny. or say, no strength. ok fine. so we did that. they did not say anything like this in the first place. and i dunno wat's on their mind, couldnt they just stop at place that's nearer to each station? practically everyone's moving those stuff for that kindaf distance. and helium gas tank for balloons were only at certain stations. luckily ours just across the road at meritus mandarin hotel - my poly frens' station. that station has guys and thus, girls there didnt have to move those things. next, calls came and ask us to collect flyers at paragon. went to paragon and wanted us to go mount e. upon reaching mount e, they wanted us to go paragon medical. why didnt they just say paragon medical in the first place? and i was the only one from my station to go collect the flyers. the rest of my team mates gone with me knowing. i was kindaf pissed since im the skinniest there and i was the only one collecting 1500 pieces if A4, thick flyers. luckily there was weijun to help me. if not i would be dead after carrying those flyers from paragon medical back to ngee ann city alone. person in charge got to know no one was at ngee ann's station and started shooting at me since im the only one there. called my grp leader, baofang, and i went off. and yes, we were being told off. and im fucking unhappy when people scolded me for things that i didnt do. next day, ngee ann girls all wore skirts and jacqueline wore scandals. she was badly told off by them. until she went off just like that. she didnt even want to collect her pay. after she left, we were all very down as she went off without us knowing. we wanted to go with her. as all of us were really pissed off by what the in charge were doing. they pinpointed at us actually. they were finding faults at us. fuck la. they treated people at wisma differently. they even helped them to distribute stuff. so fucking unfair right? nevermind then. as long as they pay me the right amt.
the rest of the day as spent pumping air into the balloons (im an expert nw), distributing flyers and looking at the ugly side of singaporeans, bangalas, prc workers, and philipinos. ice cream was given one to a person and we were giving out ice cream, we wun give out all other stuff. so the orchard old chang kee auntie took 5 each time and trying to bargain with us. other than that, she brought her colleague and took another 5. wtf. bangala workers came to ask us whether there were free water when we were apparently not giving out water when we were giving out ice creams. we said 'no' and they give us the 'wth' face. after that, they actually accessed to our cartons of water, opened it, took bottles of water as if we were not there. i went right n front of them and stared at them. they closed back the cartons but stil ltook the bottles away. wtf. my other fren complained that bangala workers touched her hands so many times as they took free ice creams or water bottles from her. so disgusting right. she was busy distributing and had no defense at that point of time. and apparently when there were no free gifts, singaporeans will not take flyers.
however, there were some really sweet moments. alot of bfs came forward to us and get balloons for their gfs. and they dun mind helping us to take flyers as long as they got the balloons. normally when we distribute balloons to guys, they wouldnt take. so see, they layed down their ego and took it from us. there were fathers who used their keys to cut the tangled strings for us so that his kid could get a balloon. there's one 2 yr old kid knew it wasnt possible to get the balloons as all were tangled up. the kid then said 'then let me hold the balloons awhile'. we couldnt do anything to make him happy. as we did not have scissors. so his dad, cut the strings and passed his kid a balloon. his kid was overjoyed and kissed him. so sweet right?
baofang and me. as we were pumping balloons. this was only small amt of balloons (ard 40?) that we'd pumped. so can you imagine, we have 500 balloons to pump.
anw, at the end of the two days, the free t shirt was demanded back by them for god-knows why. we'd sweated it all out in that shirt and it's really smelly. dunno what they're gg to do with it. while others were having fun, we were suffering.
introduced my my polymate;'s fren. this was what i heard from my fren. working for S#$%%^b. pay's reasonable. working hrs were from 12 - 8pm. job was basically giving out flyers, ice cream, balloons, water. free shirt. suntec city. sounds fun huh? so i agreed to accept the job.
got to know that location was changed to outside ngee ann city instead of suntec city. im cool with that. then when i reach there. i saw my fellow partners for the station moving cartons and cartons of 24 water bottles, a big box (half my height) of napkins, bags of unblown balloons. from wisma to ngee ann city. it was from the start of orchard to the end of orchard. mind you. everyone of ngee ann's station is considered as skinny. or say, no strength. ok fine. so we did that. they did not say anything like this in the first place. and i dunno wat's on their mind, couldnt they just stop at place that's nearer to each station? practically everyone's moving those stuff for that kindaf distance. and helium gas tank for balloons were only at certain stations. luckily ours just across the road at meritus mandarin hotel - my poly frens' station. that station has guys and thus, girls there didnt have to move those things. next, calls came and ask us to collect flyers at paragon. went to paragon and wanted us to go mount e. upon reaching mount e, they wanted us to go paragon medical. why didnt they just say paragon medical in the first place? and i was the only one from my station to go collect the flyers. the rest of my team mates gone with me knowing. i was kindaf pissed since im the skinniest there and i was the only one collecting 1500 pieces if A4, thick flyers. luckily there was weijun to help me. if not i would be dead after carrying those flyers from paragon medical back to ngee ann city alone. person in charge got to know no one was at ngee ann's station and started shooting at me since im the only one there. called my grp leader, baofang, and i went off. and yes, we were being told off. and im fucking unhappy when people scolded me for things that i didnt do. next day, ngee ann girls all wore skirts and jacqueline wore scandals. she was badly told off by them. until she went off just like that. she didnt even want to collect her pay. after she left, we were all very down as she went off without us knowing. we wanted to go with her. as all of us were really pissed off by what the in charge were doing. they pinpointed at us actually. they were finding faults at us. fuck la. they treated people at wisma differently. they even helped them to distribute stuff. so fucking unfair right? nevermind then. as long as they pay me the right amt.
the rest of the day as spent pumping air into the balloons (im an expert nw), distributing flyers and looking at the ugly side of singaporeans, bangalas, prc workers, and philipinos. ice cream was given one to a person and we were giving out ice cream, we wun give out all other stuff. so the orchard old chang kee auntie took 5 each time and trying to bargain with us. other than that, she brought her colleague and took another 5. wtf. bangala workers came to ask us whether there were free water when we were apparently not giving out water when we were giving out ice creams. we said 'no' and they give us the 'wth' face. after that, they actually accessed to our cartons of water, opened it, took bottles of water as if we were not there. i went right n front of them and stared at them. they closed back the cartons but stil ltook the bottles away. wtf. my other fren complained that bangala workers touched her hands so many times as they took free ice creams or water bottles from her. so disgusting right. she was busy distributing and had no defense at that point of time. and apparently when there were no free gifts, singaporeans will not take flyers.
however, there were some really sweet moments. alot of bfs came forward to us and get balloons for their gfs. and they dun mind helping us to take flyers as long as they got the balloons. normally when we distribute balloons to guys, they wouldnt take. so see, they layed down their ego and took it from us. there were fathers who used their keys to cut the tangled strings for us so that his kid could get a balloon. there's one 2 yr old kid knew it wasnt possible to get the balloons as all were tangled up. the kid then said 'then let me hold the balloons awhile'. we couldnt do anything to make him happy. as we did not have scissors. so his dad, cut the strings and passed his kid a balloon. his kid was overjoyed and kissed him. so sweet right?
anw, at the end of the two days, the free t shirt was demanded back by them for god-knows why. we'd sweated it all out in that shirt and it's really smelly. dunno what they're gg to do with it. while others were having fun, we were suffering.
Friday, June 13, 2008
i am working in suctec city this weekend! distributing flyers, ice creams, balloons. pay's not bad. i seriously hope it's not a scam. and i want the money FAST! or i'll screw the company. and i think i'll enjoy the job. sounds fun huh. im working with my classmates, so sorry gf, didnt inform you all.
anw lyn and i have applied jobs for the world's first night racing in singapore !!! isnt this exciting ???!! i might have to chance to watch the race without buying the tix !!! i realllllllllllllly hope they will contact lyn and i. and maybe the rest of the clique? i mean for those who had applied.
and im getting sick and tired of my blog song. gonna change it real soon.
anw, im gonna have my fucking mst in 9 fucking short days. and guess wat's the good news?
i haven fucking touched my notes. not at all. yes. NOT at all.
omg. im so gonna screw these papers. fuck.
and what's on my mind now?
$$$ money $$$
hangouts with frens
overseas trips with frens and family
right after the mst or in the sept hols.
omfg. save me. im so gonna fail.
anw lyn and i have applied jobs for the world's first night racing in singapore !!! isnt this exciting ???!! i might have to chance to watch the race without buying the tix !!! i realllllllllllllly hope they will contact lyn and i. and maybe the rest of the clique? i mean for those who had applied.
and im getting sick and tired of my blog song. gonna change it real soon.
anw, im gonna have my fucking mst in 9 fucking short days. and guess wat's the good news?
i haven fucking touched my notes. not at all. yes. NOT at all.
omg. im so gonna screw these papers. fuck.
and what's on my mind now?
$$$ money $$$
hangouts with frens
overseas trips with frens and family
right after the mst or in the sept hols.
omfg. save me. im so gonna fail.
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
June 10, 2008
NS recruit dies after training walk
By Carolyn Quek
A 20-YEAR-OLD national serviceman died in hospital after he fainted during training on Pulau Tekong on Tuesday morning.Recruit Andrew Cheah Wei Siong had only enlisted five days ago into natioal service.The polytechnic graduate fainted at 8.35am while he was taking part in a 2km walk at the Basic Military Training Centre on the island. He was given immediate medical attention by doctors.At 9.24am, Mr Cheah was evacuated by helicopter to the Singapore General Hospital. Medical staff from the Singapore Armed Forces continued to resuscitate him en route.However, they failed to revive him and he was pronounced dead at 10.50am at SGH.The Defence Ministry is investigating the incident.
please dun let this happen to my guy frens.
NS recruit dies after training walk
By Carolyn Quek
A 20-YEAR-OLD national serviceman died in hospital after he fainted during training on Pulau Tekong on Tuesday morning.Recruit Andrew Cheah Wei Siong had only enlisted five days ago into natioal service.The polytechnic graduate fainted at 8.35am while he was taking part in a 2km walk at the Basic Military Training Centre on the island. He was given immediate medical attention by doctors.At 9.24am, Mr Cheah was evacuated by helicopter to the Singapore General Hospital. Medical staff from the Singapore Armed Forces continued to resuscitate him en route.However, they failed to revive him and he was pronounced dead at 10.50am at SGH.The Defence Ministry is investigating the incident.
please dun let this happen to my guy frens.
how about a round of applause.
- im fucking bored at home. stuck at home for alot of dayssssssssssssss.
- im fucking broke and that explains why im at home everyday.
- im so gonna be fat when you guys see me next time. im eating junk food everyday at home.
- im not in the mood for anything. especially studying. and im having test in 11 days' time.
- im in the mood for clubbing, pubbing, boozing. that's not right.
- im wanna 'see more'.
- im searching for jobs. if there's any, please inform me.
- im gonna be so emo if i continue to be jailed at home.
- ill try to exercise at home.
- ill try to find jobs.
- ill try not to take in so many junk food.
- ill try to study.
- ill go pubbing or clubbing after tests and i wanna drink. and when i say i wanna drink, i really wanna drink.
- ill smile more.
- ill try to talk to frens online. talk to me.
- im fucking bored at home. stuck at home for alot of dayssssssssssssss.
- im fucking broke and that explains why im at home everyday.
- im so gonna be fat when you guys see me next time. im eating junk food everyday at home.
- im not in the mood for anything. especially studying. and im having test in 11 days' time.
- im in the mood for clubbing, pubbing, boozing. that's not right.
- im wanna 'see more'.
- im searching for jobs. if there's any, please inform me.
- im gonna be so emo if i continue to be jailed at home.
- ill try to exercise at home.
- ill try to find jobs.
- ill try not to take in so many junk food.
- ill try to study.
- ill go pubbing or clubbing after tests and i wanna drink. and when i say i wanna drink, i really wanna drink.
- ill smile more.
- ill try to talk to frens online. talk to me.
Friday, June 06, 2008
Thursday, June 05, 2008
it's his 25th birthday on 5th June 2008!!!
even though he's still childish and often makes the whole family worrying bout him, i still love him from the bottom of my heart. he brings laughter and joy to our home and stop being so hot tempered! please stop yelling at mum. im angry. not pissed. hahahaha. ok la. i know he still loves us all(:

went for a job interview with lyn in clementi. hopefully he hires the both of us. good money huh.
jp to walk ard and got a piercing. on top of my ear. i tot i'll be afraid. but ppl are piercing everywhere, what's there to be afriad about having a small hole in your ear?
bro drove us to ps and have lao beijing. really full.
back to taman jurong for party world. till 1am. yes, my family is very high when its late at night.
pics for the night will be uploaded soon. lazy to transfer from cam to pc. some pics to end off!
yes, we are on very good terms like these. most of the times.
ps: xinyi has been making great great steps towards her love life. with a VERY x 100000000000 times, HOT x 1000000000000000000000 times, guy.
i want that too ):
im SAD, not Single And Desperate. maybe yes. LOL.
Wednesday, June 04, 2008
anw, people. im not attached. i have people actually saying 'congrats! you're attached!' on msn.
please, I WISH.
anw, sex and the city is a very nice show. but it depends on who's beside you (:
your 'aiyo!', 'i 尿急', 'eeyer!' and 'shit shit shit!' make me smile to myself.
he's so 'real' no matter how 'unreal' the situation may be.
please, I WISH.
anw, sex and the city is a very nice show. but it depends on who's beside you (:
your 'aiyo!', 'i 尿急', 'eeyer!' and 'shit shit shit!' make me smile to myself.
he's so 'real' no matter how 'unreal' the situation may be.
Tuesday, June 03, 2008

2nd June 2008:
it's all between you and me.
of cus i would not reject a pleasent surprise. im afraid that it was not the way you wanted it to be. im afriad that who i was to you is not who i am. i still have my doubts now. you're very nice. very gentleman. somehow i felt honoured. to be the lucky minority. ive learnt alot from you. you're not the kind of person people think you are. you earn my respect. thanks for everything. baby.
there are alot of questions i wished i have the chance to ask you.
will there be a next time? tell me that isnt our last goodbye. am i asking for too much?
once again, you make my dream come true.
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