missed the first lecture cuz i wanna sleep longer. muahaha. during the two hr break, we saw the crew from hey gorgeous. desmond koh as well as nat ho (new fetish) spotted my fren (who is reali pretty) at FC 5. nat ho is reali handsome. fit, tan, tall, cute, and has an awesome smile. desmond koh's face was mopped with thick foundation and he's not that tall afterall. but it's ok, he's still a frenly guy. after asking for her number, we proceeded to FC 3 to have our brunch. and there, we saw fiona xie and ben yeo. FIONA XIE IS HOTTTTTTTT!! she is so petite, her face is like a normal palm's size, her figure is WOOOOOOOOOOOO!!
went for gems. was afraid in the ffirst place as this time round, no frens are in the same class as me. anw, there is one reali fit hulk. he looks like a caucasian with reddish blush on his face. benjamin and mingjian came to my class after knowing that there are no pretty girls in the other class. MEN ARE SHALLOW ANIMALS.
after gems, went straight to board a train back home, tot catiching hey gorgeous in action later at ard 3pm after taking overnight stuff from home. but but but, xin yi called and said it's started. so from jurong east, i went back again. just in time to witness the actual filming. met up with jac and were sqeezing thru to a comfortable place. but cant see anything. why? practically, everyone is so tall. i had to keep jumping. until i saw swen and company right above me. so i went up to watch with them. was veri uncomfortable but had a reali clear view of everything. DBF has two contestants up there. a guy and a girl. namely, jonan and terri. this is to tell peeps that in SB, DBF students are all handsome and pretty. LOL. jk. they didnt win, but that's ok. anw, the hosts were veri entertaining. damn funny. catch SP's hey gorgeous on 22 oct!
went home and was late for the Amazing Race (AR) meeting. reached at 5.30pm. went to clubhouse. SB vs SMA bball frenly match. we WON!!! TEAM SB ROCKS!!! hahaha. it's been a loooooooooooong time since i watched bball match. this is definitely one i cant miss!!
copied from khhad's blog. hehheh.
7.30pm-8plus- ate at SP Mcdonald's with khad.
8plus-9 plus- slack at clubhouse with khad, ntoh, jeremy, isaac, you wei.
9plus- went over to SB.
9plus-10plus- packed up goodie bags.
10plus-11plus- went up to the rooms in which we'll be slping in. did nothing much.
11plus-12plus- had food comm meeting. i was not there as i'm onli an advisor. i discussed charity bazaar with jeremy, mardiah and shengyuan.
29.09.07 = SB Amazing race
12plus-2 plus- slack in the room, ate alot of junk food, instant noodles, blahs blahs. played stupid games like "everyone goes to mcd and buy......" and we gosssiped! of everybody and everything under the sun. lols.
3am- finaally i had some shut eye. while ivan,mardeeah,edsmond,felicia,jeremy and alicia,etc went for NIGHTWALK around SP! =.= had nth to say. hahahhas. and there, i became KARANG GUNI woman. sleeping with CARDBOARD!!! other than that, i onli have a jacket and my bag to accompany me to sleep. it's freeeeeeeeeeeezing cold there. thus, i had got no choice to sleep with the cardboard covering me as a blanket.
no one knows how poor thing i can be..
sleeping with cardboard..
shivering still..
until some alarm clock ran off with 'oohayo ohayo ohayo' x 10000000000000000 times!! then they realise how i'd spent the lonely night and started covering me with sleeping bag(: at least there are some considerate ppl in sbc. wanted to sleep awhile more. but that cecilia dun allow and snatched the sleeping bag (which i'd just cover myself for like less than 1 min), my cardboard and my jacket!!!!!!!!!! tat's because she cant bounce on the tables. ARGH!!
got ready for AR, went to my first station @ MLT 8 with khad, guohua, stella and mai.
set off to my station with stella at esplanade after that. i was kinda pissed off there. but nvm. it's not sbc's fault.
went to pasir ris park, half dead, to have debrief there. but in the end the debrief will be on mon instead. wtf. nvm.
slept all the way from pasir ris to boon lay on train. it must be a wonderful pic as a few orange monkeys sitting in a row were all sleeping and nodding in the various directions as the train moved. LOL.

black: participants.
note that the first row are all cute peeps except ongton and edsmond who didnt want to act cute.
everytime after an event, while others are celebrating, i will be almost dead at home. i dun like the things i'm doing now. and i dun like doing things i dun like doing. but i practically had no choice. wtffffff. nvm. but if there's any pokes, the bubble will burst.
i shall go some lonesome shopping later to breathe fresh air.