even thou there are LOADSSS of things on my hand to finish and settle asap.
i stayed at home today. just one day after exam! y? dun feel like going out. no money too.
my bf has released a single, 'bet on it'. it's for high school musical 2. nice! and this is how he looks like in his mtv. covered but still handsome(:

after eating some of the bbq stuff, crews got ready for clubbing. this time round, we'd got some first timers coming with us, jac, yiling and anne. however it's my first time going to zouk. hahas. it was ladies night and mambo jumbo. first thing to do is to drink shots, sex on the beach, and one more, dunno wat's that. hahas. khaymar ordered. it tasted 'strong' for both. at first. because our dear first timers, cant reali drink, so me and khaymar actuali drink quite alot. not drunk, peace(:
went to the main arena and saw some weird dance. but it was too boring as mambo jumbo is not for us. so we went to phuture instead, with songs which we know better/heard before. we saw ben yeo with his bombarded hair. i think he's a nice guy. i like him. haha. was looking out for daren tan at first. but ben yeo is not bad too(: crowded as usual. crazed until anne and yiling left first. after that the three of us continued. and jac was like sticking on to the wall. looking at us blankly, sian half. so we left bout 2am. the songs are always great when it's nearing 3am. haha. all i can say is that, so many many many many x 10000000 eye candies. and they were all gentlemen, fit, tall, handsome, pleasant and dun-look-dirty. at least 80% of the people inside are these people. it's reali rare to have so many of this kind in a club. hahas. khay mar and i were O.O but jac was -.- hahas.
poor little jac was like this at first before she became -.- and said that she wun go club again):
poor little jac was like this at first before she became -.- and said that she wun go club again):
enjoyed very much with the ladies on ladies night @ zouk, 22082007(:
from left to right: khay mar, myself, yiling, anne and jacqueline

cabbed back to chalet and shared the experience witht he rest of the classmates and they said they wanna go next time as well. hahas. bathed, talked and ate. hees. guess wat, it's the first time that i went to a chalet that was so... peaceful? hahas. but the chalet is great, spacious (can have around 2.5 classes of 20 there), executive, luxurious and convenient. but quite exp thou. tot of booking there next time.
playing dai dee and heart attack to spend the night. haha. we screamed like mad during heart attack and woken up our classmate. haha.

cabbed back to chalet and shared the experience witht he rest of the classmates and they said they wanna go next time as well. hahas. bathed, talked and ate. hees. guess wat, it's the first time that i went to a chalet that was so... peaceful? hahas. but the chalet is great, spacious (can have around 2.5 classes of 20 there), executive, luxurious and convenient. but quite exp thou. tot of booking there next time.
playing dai dee and heart attack to spend the night. haha. we screamed like mad during heart attack and woken up our classmate. haha.
the last 3 survivors(:
the unexpected angela,
the unexpected angela,
i've recently found my new love <3
wtf. i dun wanna care so much now, i wun let such silly things to control my life, even thou it affects my emotions. but this is inevitable. yes i am irresponsible. but at least i can now better control and be responsible of my own life. as long as i live. dun expect alot from me. cuz i dun have expect alot from myself . holidays are meant to enjoy. dun spoil it. or i'll do silly things, dun force me (: