Thursday, August 30, 2007
sian sian sian.
no slippers somemore. must wear smart casual. jac is working with me. bu different projects therefore, not sitting with each other. hmmm. her break and mine is different. mine is one hr, her is half and hr. she come back, i go break. but from mon onwards, we can have lunch together.
the people there are anti social. except me and jac and my partner, xinyi. haha. actuali todae wanted to go with jac for break. but she went ahead without me first. cuz my team leader retained me. and i have lotsa things to do!! i then decide not to go for lunch with two guys who i dunno at all. but xin yi, an intern, and another one, brought me to lunch (: however, time passed by QUICKLY todae. not as quick thou, but better than ytd. i literally slept while making calls.
i reach home at 7+ to 8+ everyday!!! ard 12 hrs outside.
super tired!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
this is for every teacher that reali teaches, guided me thru darkness and make a difference in my life. LOL
mr lee han hwa, miss sally pang, mdm fong..
not forgetting happpy teachers' day for khay mar.
i wanna be relieve teacher too! so much more easier.
*forgive me of my disorganization and messy sentence structures. reali tired to think before i type =D
Sunday, August 26, 2007
and i woke up -.-
haha. i tink i'm dumb la. crazy one. think too much. hahas.
anw, saw my new love yesterday. just as mischievious(:
anw, been spending my time watching corner*with love by my bf and da S. hahas. left with one more cd = 5+ hours. watching tmr. hees. then i shall watch either one thousand litres of tears recommended by lyn or why why love by rainie.
i need money. but no job available for 2 weeks. wth. i said i dun wanna go gyl already. i can work for at least one week longer and spend the money shopping. ARGH!! till now i got no idea how i'm going to batam. by sampan? plane? cruise? haha. watever. as long as i'm safe and enjoy myself there. i hope i'll enjoy =/
Friday, August 24, 2007
17th sept: mum goes chalet first (ard 4pm to take the key) and bro will fetch her home at night.
18th sept: mum, bro and carina will go for bbq at night. i do think it's abit weird. but i dun care already. haha. family comes before frens for me (:
i stayed at home the whole day and fried fish and chips for dinner. oily! nothing to do anddid some personality tests. LOL.
Pisces (19 February - 20 March)
Pisces Traits
Imaginative and sensitive
Compassionate and kind
Selfless and unworldly
Intuitive and sympathetic
Escapist and idealistic
Secretive and vague
Weak-willed and easily led
Singing, dancing, playing music, the arts, unusual healing methods, creative use of color, clairvoyance, psychotherapy and beauty
Suitable Careers
Actor, dancer, writer, poet, fishmonger, shoe trader, sailor, nurse, hypnotist, illusionist, photographer, priest (no banker??)
Emotion Test
Your emotional controlled rate: 37%
You know how to let your emotions show but you still find it difficult to do so as often as you should. You should be prepared to let your emotions out more often. When you feel sad let yourself cry (i can cry anytime anywhere), when you feel angry, let your anger show (i'll look scary and no one will talk to me) and when you feel happy allow a smile to cross your face (it's already a practice for me to smile when i'm happy or sad unless someone pissed me off). Allowing your emotions out in this way will do wonders to your physical and mental health.
Psychological Test
You have a complicated personality (i think so too). How ambitious you are depends on the height that you answered, which is: peak (i'm quite ambitious thou). You try to please everyone, the size of this personality as seen by others is small (i dun care). Diamond means stubborn personality (yes i am). You are also down-to-earth (and practical). You are an opportunist. Your husband or wife is the one you need when you are in trouble (who doesnt need his/her wife/husband when they are in trouble? -.-).
The 5-question Personality Test
Your ideal mate has a sense of humor and is lively. (yes, this is a must.)
You always compare yourself with others (i dun like comparison). You make your wishes too difficult to come true (true).
Success or failure, that's no big deal. You don't care. That's your attitudes towards success (yeep!).
You realize that there are always ups and downs. Joy and sorrow are constant companions (this is life).
You are emotional, sincere and optimistic.
Who's Your Type?
A person who is kind and generous is attractive to you (of cuz not that easy).
Who is your dream guy?
He is wild and adventurous. His path is often against the world . He does what he wants when he feels like (just like luo zhi xiang, ekin cheng, edison, jay chou, xiao gui, and wu zun). His type of girl is quite like him, independent and wise (that's me, haha). If you love freedom and willing to risk (me me me!), go for this guy.
Love Test
When it comes to love, you take your time and do not fall in love easily (i'll think of loads of questions before i fall deeper).
You give 50% to your relationship and expect to receive 50% in return (onli 50% in return?!).
If there is a problem in your relationship, you are able to confront it in an optimistic way and full of hope. You want to work it out right away, all by yourself (yep).
You need lots of reassurance in your relationship. You'd like to see your loved one every day, if possible (no i dun want).
You accept your loved one the way they are. You don't expect him or her to change for you (unless it's untolerable).
When will you get married?
You want to enjoy your life of freedom as long as possible (i love freedom and need it too). So you don't want to be married soon. You may get married when you are over 25, even if you already have a steady loved one (yes).
When you love someone, you don't tend to stay in love for a long time (hey! i'm faithful!).
maybe you all may not know y i liked luo zhi xiang so much. even my mother likes him too. his character and thinking and appearance and style and likings and dress sense and humour and filiality and body and all... it's just so... hmm. i must see him at least once a day and that will light up my day(: MUAHAHA. i think you guys must be thinking that i'm crazy. i dun care(:
Thursday, August 23, 2007
even thou there are LOADSSS of things on my hand to finish and settle asap.
i stayed at home today. just one day after exam! y? dun feel like going out. no money too.
my bf has released a single, 'bet on it'. it's for high school musical 2. nice! and this is how he looks like in his mtv. covered but still handsome(:

poor little jac was like this at first before she became -.- and said that she wun go club again):
enjoyed very much with the ladies on ladies night @ zouk, 22082007(:

cabbed back to chalet and shared the experience witht he rest of the classmates and they said they wanna go next time as well. hahas. bathed, talked and ate. hees. guess wat, it's the first time that i went to a chalet that was so... peaceful? hahas. but the chalet is great, spacious (can have around 2.5 classes of 20 there), executive, luxurious and convenient. but quite exp thou. tot of booking there next time.
playing dai dee and heart attack to spend the night. haha. we screamed like mad during heart attack and woken up our classmate. haha.
the unexpected angela,
i've recently found my new love <3
Saturday, August 18, 2007
2 down, 2 more to go.
didnt have the mood to study these few days. was going out and watching tv at home. wed was out with mummy. thurs was out with lyn. fri was cooking at home (and it paid off well). sat was spent watching tv.
i waiting for the second when my last paper ends, 4.10pm on wed. after which, i shall at least enjoy myself or maybe go MIA? heh heh.
things MUST DO after exam
1. class chalet/clubbing as a celebration for khay mar's 18th birthday.
2. take off braces.
3. make specs.
4. change passport photo.
anw, there'll be a chalet on 17th to 19th sept @ downtown. got my mum to book for us. maybe she'll go? since she needs to open the door for us on 17th. it's her birthday on 19th. so, if she happens to stay for that night, i hope i'll not neglect her as well as my frens. LOL. i know the situation's gonna be awkward, but i dun want her to think that my frens are more impt than her and so 'dao'. HAHAHAHAHA.
i've already warned her that we're gonna be noisy, since everytime we go to chalet, we'll get complaints -.-
i have back up plan. *grins* if my frens dun wanna celebrate her burfdae tgt with us or the situation by then is reali .................... , then nvm, they will go enjoy and i'll carry on with the celebration.
i guess i'm thinking too much. hahas. dun even know whether she's gonna stay. even if she is, celebration will onli carry on when my bro and carina come. LOL.
objective of chalet: BONDING(:
Wednesday, August 08, 2007
anw, after the test, i went to com lab and to clubhouse (no life). went to saa to finance then to clubhouse again. my life revolves ard these few sickening places =X was asking ard who wanna go out for dinner. simin had no money. lyn actualli was planning to spend her 'last night' in spore before she go msia tmr with swen. but in the end, both of them, cn, kh and i went to jp and had fish and co for dinner. let me at least have a getaway, short period. i enjoyed. love them. hahas. and apologies to lyn and swen. for 'disturbing' you all. apologies to kh as well. hahas. he cant go and but lappy. and thanks to cn, finally so 'steady' =X i love them la. hahas. i repeated this so many times. you all shud know how much i love you guys. lols.
kh is a pervert. he was looking at a lady's cle__age. until so... O.O hahas. i caught you! hees. you think no one saw =P he was explaining that the 'fish' on the plate near her b__bs caught his attention. he described it as 'snowy white, soo fresh, so biggg etc.' LOL. tsk tsk tsk~ how could you.. pervert. dun need to explain. your reputation is gone already. hahas.
tmr's national day. HAPPY 42nd BIRTHDAY, SINGAPORE!!!
3 more papers to go. jia you, peishan!!
Tuesday, August 07, 2007
why is it that i have to do these shitty stuff and do not have the time to concentrate on the things that i have to? while others moved on doing the things that they wanna do. i wanna do the things that i want to as well. but, some things cannot be controlled by me. i did my part, but things just dun fall nicely. dun expect me to do other things before i settle my stuff, here. that's my style of doing things. i dun mind if you all wanna say that i'm not flexible. cuz i just wanna do things systematically. why cant i just escape from these shit for at least a day? why am i surrounded by these stupid things that are wasting my time? when it's time to enjoy, i cant. this is not the life that i wanted. all thanks to these stupid things. i know the source of my change.
no motivation to go on..
i need a getaway..
take me away..
Sunday, August 05, 2007
yesterday, we decided not to go ah ma house as it's already too late, and instead we went to boon lay shopping centre where there are hell loads of.. b_ng_as. went there with my mum first and after that, my bro and his gf joined us. we had pepper crabs and other mouth-watering food on the tables that we couldnt finished in the end. hahas.
went down and looked at the phones. so we traded in my phone for 200bucks and topped up 298bucks for a new phone. i actually compare two phones that i like when i reached there. based on appearances. cuz i hadnt done any research. i've aimed k800i but bro and his gf are already using it. so bro dun want me to buy the same. i was considering these two. and i bought the latter one. gonna take good care of it (:

i wanted to buy the white one until i set my eyes on.. THIS, W660i!! my bro's gf liked it and 'influenced' me to buy this. LOL
it's got black and gold one. but abit to hip hop. so i bought rose red and gold instead. hees. thanks mummy!
however, its camara is not that good. i think even my 6288 is better in terms of camara. nothing to do at home todae and tested its camara. i love hugging him, he loves hugging me. so a kiss for him. LOL.
testing 1 2 3~
exams are going to start. no school except those days that i've got papers.
wed, o8.o8.o7 : Customer Relationship Mgt, 2 - 3.15pm
wed, 15.o8.o7 : Financial Acc, 9 - 11.10am
mon, 20.o8.o7 : Electronic Computer Mgt, 9 - 11.10am
wed, 22.o8.o7 : Banking and Financial Institutions, 2 - 4.10pm
post-exam activities till date: 22.o8.o7 : class chalet @ pasir ris
23.o8.o7 : dental @ jp (hopefully can take out my braces)
11.o9.07 - 14.o9.o7: Generation Y Leadership camp @ Batam (can i not go??)
and of cuz, not forgetting gatherings with frens (:
awaiting for the end of exams..
i have so many things to settle, so little time, and i dunno how i'm gonna go bout doing it!!!HELP!!!!!!
no one understands..
Thursday, August 02, 2007
i've PASSED MY BTT!!! (basic theory test)
soon, i''ll be able to drive a car in the circuit, continue my advanced theory and apply pdl after that. i think it's onli possible that i can reali start driving on the road legitimately like after 1 year? or less than that, hopefully. hahas.
ED'S 18TH BIRTHDAY celebrated in advance. on saturday. usual stuff. pooled and eaten. chatted like in the old times (: love them.
swen, lyn, ed, cn and me. the boon lay kids (:
lyn and i wore the same flip flops with the same toe nail colour as well. LOL
sunday was basically a tiring day for me. woke up, went to mum's malay fren's daughter's wedding. went to bro's previouss workplace at ubi, then to relative's house at simei, came back home at boon lay (if you are sharp, it's like north and south poles), off to grandma's place at tiong bahru and back to boon lay again. luckily bro drove. his car is nice! *bling bling* hahas. he pasted swaroski crytals practically everywhere. on the rear mirror, his decorations, aircon blades, steering wheel, back logo and even the car locks are of crystals. hahas.

my bro bought Patrick for his gf. i love hugging it. even thou it doesnt belong to me. LOL

mondae is the finals of sb talentime. swen, cn, kh and their fren, jovee came. hahas. they stayed thruout the boring event. zai. i was running here and there. backstage was a chaos. prizes were totally screwed up. everything went mad. i broken down. but thanks to edsmond and ntoh, they were my heros!! hahas. congrats to my fren, kaiyin, she won the title of chinese duets. i have to say this, standing beside someone as tall as mr caleb, i will feel pressurised. LOL. everything was over, took photosss. told you all sb club loves to take pics everywhere. was feeling seriously unwell. head was bursting into pieces and wanna vomit. left earlier. reached home and zzz.