went to spend half of the day at bbdc. darn bored. hahas. actuali planned to eat with my mum at jurong west market before i went there, but both she and i overslept. and guess wat, my bro overslept too and was late for work. but he still send my mum to boon lay shopping center and me to bbdc.
my lesson was 12.05pm and i was already there at 11.20am. so i sat at the canteen there and watched other people driving cars in the circuit. i was trying to finish reading my basic theory book. hahas. but i couldnt. it's okies. went to lesson alone this time. but the instructor was quite humourous. so it kinda wake me up.
my lesson was 12.05pm and i was already there at 11.20am. so i sat at the canteen there and watched other people driving cars in the circuit. i was trying to finish reading my basic theory book. hahas. but i couldnt. it's okies. went to lesson alone this time. but the instructor was quite humourous. so it kinda wake me up.
after lesson met up with jac and went for 2 practices. each lasting 45 mins. after practicing, we went on to have evaluation, onli after you passed ur evaluation, then can you book ur basic theory test. and the passing mark is 90. muahaha. i managed to passed. JUST PASSED.
but i'm afraid that i cant pass my real basic theory test. that will be such a disgrace. pray hard that i'll pass. later on i shall go book a date. and coordinate with jean and jac. so that the three of us can go test together. at least if i fail, they will be there. touchwood! anw, my day at bbdc ended at 4.05pm and went home after that.
walked pass jurong west market and looked into hair salons. hees. cut + dye + highlight = $49+. not bad right? but dunno how much is the'+'. hope it's not that expensice. i wanan cut my hair, but i'm afraid that i'll cut impulsely. i wanna dye my hair black and highlight red/pink/dark blue/violet/orange/brown? LOL. this is not ah lian. LOL.
walked pass jurong west market and looked into hair salons. hees. cut + dye + highlight = $49+. not bad right? but dunno how much is the'+'. hope it's not that expensice. i wanan cut my hair, but i'm afraid that i'll cut impulsely. i wanna dye my hair black and highlight red/pink/dark blue/violet/orange/brown? LOL. this is not ah lian. LOL.
i just wanna live my life to the fullest. cuz we onli live once. do watever you wanna do while you can. we are young only once.
these are my life mottos. (:
anywae, my com no was all the way 7 for tests in the com lab. hope that will help. some way or other. LOL. for bfi (first com lab test) jac took it before me and i took 8. i was 'angry' and exchanged with her. using the excuse of '8 = FA' ! LOL -.- the rest of the papers, she automatically go to 8 and me to 7. hahas. lame la.
wat is happening now?
my mum watching vasantham channel. she said she wanna show me how they dance. LOL!
it's all over. it's confirmed. i alwaes tell myself,
it's all over. it's confirmed. i alwaes tell myself,
why hold on to him, when you know that it's not gonna come true?
its time for me to let it go. thou i dun want to, i have to..