mondae; celebration of kai fong's bdae
after school, went to play badminton with my beloved sb peeps. thou onli a few of us playing badminton. but i enjoyed myself! thanks to nic, guo hua, jin hong, li fen, kai yin, you wei and juan hui. hees. gotta leave earlier. cuz have to meet up with jac to go safra. reached there.. catch up with one another and slack. went home.
tuesdae; labour day.
went to sentosa with sb peeps. namely: guoquan, nic, ben, mingjian, juan hui, amannda, mardiah, kaiyin, and me! played ball and played in the water as well. then it began to rain. again (it's the every-time thing -.-). went to wash up and headed to vivo. watched letters from death. it's a thai horror show. if yyou know me well enuff, you wun wanna go watch horror movie with me. haha. my frens alwaes sae that i waste money watching horror movie. cuz i normally cover my eyes and ears. haha. but i manage to peep kaes? anywaes, mardiah and mingjian was sitting beside me. mardiah damn man. mingjian's the opposite. it's quite scary at first. and stupid mingjian scare me by banging into me when he was frightened. hahas. and thruout the whole movie, i was screaming followed by luffing after that. even after the movie, icannot stop luffing. haha. i dunno y. cuz i think it's veri stupid of me to be frightened by those stupid scenes. hahas. went home after that.
wed; i forgot what happened.
i think i skipped the first lesson. and onli went for two hours of lesson.
thurs; second management committee meeting.
until wed night then i knew that the meeting was brought forward. and i haven prepare the things that i need to do. damn. was reading thru everything. so after the last lec, met up with FRB, wich comprises of nic, guo quan, glen, ivan, ben, and the rest, i cant remember well. hahas. met up with laurel too. walked to sac.haha. i was luffing all the wae from sb to there. all thanks to them ah. hahas. filled my life with colours and laughter. anywaes, hope everything sounded and seem fine during the meeting. after that, met up with them and went home tgt. hahas.
fri; UNLUCKY day.
after school, met up with melissa, kai yin and joyce. hees. went to clubhouse, changed and got ready for some exercise. then STH happened. but still managed to play a little. omg. i think i got tired too easily. after awhile of exercise. hahas. nvm. my eyes were infected by CONTACTS, i think. and i ttook them out. wore my specs that made mee look like a goondoo ard orchard. omg. throw face. went to far east plaza and watched mr calob's performance. hosted by maia, the spore idol contestant. i once liked her. i even got her album. -.- anw, we sat in the middle of the road. hahas. he's veri cool. nobody will know that he's actuali a lecturer if no one reveals the truth. hees. ivan said mr calob can actuali use his tongue to play the guitar. were expecting him to do that ytd, but he didnt. after his performance, we went to eat ramen and went home after that. hees. tot everything will be fine.
i have to sae sth! i was damn bloody pissed off ytd! my ez link card had been RETAINED just because it didnt have enuff value! i forgot that my ez link card had got negative value. and the ez link machine obviously alarmed off. i paid 1 dolllar cash when it's onli supposed to be 0.65 cents. nvm. then this stupid uncle wanted to check my ez link card. i let him check and he scanned it against the ez link card machine again. his system reads like this 'invalid adult concession...' and he passed my a piece of small paper. asked me to call the centre after 5 WORKING daes. and he retained my card. wtf? i asked him once again why it cannot be used. he repeated the steps above. bastook. his attitude totally sucks and i cannot tolerate that. he onli said 2 sentances to me. and i felt totally 'wtf?'. i dun wanan embarrass him and myself on the bus. but i'm sure i'm NOT gonna be polite when i call the centre.
bus number: 198
plate number: 7323
board the bus at: 10.30pm or 11.30pm?
wanna get someone to talk to oso cannot. hp is LOW BATT + FAULTY. cant stand it anymore. after bathing, slept. didnt even wait for hair to dry.