updating events on 16.04.06
went to jw in the late morning to have breakfast with mum. bought two jeans. met jean after that. went for a hair cut. at jac's mum's shop. hees. jean and i 'thinned' our hair. i highlighted abit. at the back of my hair orange. but dun have colour lohs. yet, they charged me 40 bucks. ARGHS!! i dun wanna tell jac onli loh. see them small.
went to jp, bought two pairs of shoes lehs. for 29.90. worth the money? ii think so. hees.
still early, so went to bugis walk walk. b.bestie oso there. walked pass buger king then saw him lohs. with zhen ming. went to whack him. i'm violent. i admit. hahas. then jiu go walk walk lers lohs. saw them again. sians lohs see the face. hahas. went to buy two tops from kelson there. got cheaper by two bucks. hees. better than nothing. thanks kelson. thou i know she'll wun see this. but i haven got the chance to thank her personally! ate pastamania and walk walk lohs. went hamoe after awhile.
updating events on 17.04.06
todae is the first dae that i'm going to meet my DBF classmates. i never go to the orientation of DBF lahs. met up kenny, cn, ed at control. then went to sp met xs. took my new admin card. still ugly. saw brandon chin, shirlyn's cousin, dawn and wen jie along our wae to sb. xs pei me go my classroom lohs. then saw my ppersonal tutor. that's the man, xs, he's my PTM. i gong gong ders lohs. but managed to talk to ONE guai girl. then the rest of the ppl came lers lohs. mostly girls. they came in as a group. CHIO lehs, b.bestie. hahas. but they quite 'zuai'. and rich lohs. they are not hospitable. they are rich, you see. and they stay in their cliques ders. luckily i still got xs, ken, ed and cn to pei me eat lunch todae. we went to SPGG. wanted to play pool. but on waiting list lahs. so went to eat instead. hor fan for 5.50. exp? hahas. but better than squeezing in the crowd.
my PTM teaching me statistics. must learn those mean, median, mode blah blah. sians. i dunno that one ders lohs. after lunch, is IT applications in business. the teacher looks so fierce. but she called my name, borrow my com and borrow my stapler lohs. i wanted to be of lower profile lehs. then is the lecture for economics. oh man. it's damn sians. the teacher monotone one. for one hour i cant stand it liaos. tml got his tutorial for 3 hours man. dunno how i going to survive. hahas. i can do it ders!! hees.
just hope that i'll get to know my frens better in a few weeks' time. please.