i was at the living room rotting beffore they went out. hahas. after the went out, i went into bro's room and on com. online and chatted. browe new blogskins. wanted to change a blogskin, but the blogskin dunno wat went wrong n cannot navigate. so i change back to this blogskin. hees. after that, watched 'er mo zai sheng bian lohs. watched 5 series todae. muahaha. it's so damn nice lohs. but it's kinda tiring for my eyes. hahas. from 7+ watched till 12+ lehs. wahs. but in the midst, i did rest. hahas. how do i rest? by chatting with lyn lohs. asked her to help me print out things for enrolment lohs. hahas. so blur one. lols. ccontinued with my serial drama. hahas. he jun xiang is so shuai! i love him. hees. everytime watched lers taiwanese idol serial drama, i feel like falling in love. lols. nonsense. hahas. but how i wish i know he jun xiang in reality?! his eyes is so mesmerizing. oh. thou he's naughty in the show, but 'nan ren bu huai nu ren bu ai'. hahas. he's got his gentle, loving and caring side. and he protects the one that he loves. not overly. but just nice. aww~
hahas. i'mm crazy liaos. hahas. brois going to taiwan this fridae. he wun buy things for me bahs. cuz things there arent cheap. but never mind. as long as he's okies. hmm. tml going for enrolment in sp. gotta sleep soon.