Tuesday, December 30, 2008
xmas updates are in min's blog. i enjoyed my xmas very much. as much as the pleasant surprise and the presentss.
tmr will be celebration at xinyi's place!!
at this crucial moment..
i've been diagnosed with tonsilitis aka infected tonsils. symptoms are scary:
- very high fever (i had 39.5)
- sore throat
- body ache
- feeling weak and no strength
- shivering
i actually tot i'd have dengue since my legs are always preys for the mozzies. i tot i was going to die. really. nevertheless, i had to dragged myself to the doc's and waited for 1.5 hours!! nope, it's not polyclinic, it's just my family doc. i was practically given a mask to wear on to prevent infecting others and vice versa. while waiting, i shivered like no one's business. yes, everyone looked kuku when they are sick.
i feel better now just that i dont feel like talking in order to protect my throat. and i definitely feel better after i had the best medicine. my fever's subsided, only left with the throat. no booze no alcohol for me this new year ):
i've missed the first two days of sch. so i'll only be in sch for 2 days? hahahhaa.
anw my com cannot play music anymore now. no audio system detected! someone help me please. i will diee without music.
in case im not going to update anytime soon. hehehehe.
Saturday, December 20, 2008

lyn, swen, min, zr, ed, wx, cn, j, xinyi, jocelyn, junhao, kahyong, weiwen, kh, jovee, weiteck, xueer, shumei, song, lurvies, lirong.
HIGH-NESS! except for police raid. 2nd time in my life.
saw a few familiar faces there.
fri was family day. had lotsa fun and laughter. pasir panjang food centre seafood!

Thursday, December 18, 2008
We were both young when I first saw you
I close my eyes and the flashback starts
I'm standing there on a balcony in summer air
See the lights, see the party, the ball gowns
See you make your way through the crowd
And say hello, little did I know
That you were Romeo
You were throwing pebbles
And my daddy said stay away from Juliet
And I was crying on the staircase
Begging you please don't go
And I said
Romeo, take me somewhere we can be alone
I'll be waiting, all there's left to do is run
You'll be the prince and I'll be the princess
It's a love story, baby, just say yes
So I sneak out to the garden to see you
We keep quiet 'cause we're dead if they knew
So close your eyes, escape this town for a little while
Oh, oh, oh
'Cause you were Romeo,
I was a scarlet letter
And my daddy said stay away from Juliet
But you were everything to me
I was begging you please don't go
And I said
Romeo, take me somewhere we can be alone
I'll be waiting, all there's left to do is run
You'll be the prince and I'll be the princess
It's a love story, baby, just say yes
Romeo, save me, they're trying to tell me how to feel
This love is difficult, but it's real
Don't be afraid, we'll make it out of this mess
It's a love story, baby, just say yes
Oh oh
I got tired of waiting
Wondering if you were ever coming around
My faith in you was fading
When I met you on the outskirts of town
And I said
Romeo save me, I've been feeling so alone
I keep waiting for you but you never come
Is this in my head, I don't know what to think
He knelt to the ground and pulled out a ring
And said
Marry me, Juliet, you'll never have to be alone
I love you and that's all I really know
I talked to your dad, go pick out a white dress
It's a love story, baby, just say yes
Oh, oh, oh, oh
'Cause we were both young when I first saw you
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
we started bbq from the evening till 3am. the weather was wet and that was kindaf turn off as the grass were muddy and it really turned me off. i hate mud!! it's sticky, dirty, disgusting, but the ants, the flies, the lizards, the cockroaches, the mozzies and the millions of earthworms would be jumping for joy. EEEEEEEEWWWWW!!!!!
we turned back into our respective tents to play cards and im still the DAI DI QUEEN!! I INSIST!! HAHHAAHHA!! then we were having HTHT and went for a walk in the morning. ate mac breakie and headed home. i was concussed on the train. cus i didnt sleep the whole night!!! tiring.
yeah, this is the spastic guy whose birthday was celebrated.
okay luh, a better pic for you luh. dont say dont have.
disgusting ed. look at choon ngee's face. eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee tiko!
Sunday, December 14, 2008
-Justin- Anyone wanna get a Lacoste polo with sent 12/14/2008 3:04 PM:
heys i happened to chance upon ur blog and i saw this entry that really cracked me up
-Justin- Anyone wanna get a Lacoste polo with sent 12/14/2008 3:04 PM:
Thursday, December 11, 2008
was having a conversation with my gems classmate. i kindaf dislike him as he always think he's the king and he's got high high high ego. but things that he said so randomly shocked me.
-Justin- Anyone wanna get a Lacoste polo with sent 12/14/2008 3:06 PM:
the things he said were copied from a self-help book.
-Justin- Anyone wanna get a Lacoste polo with sent 12/14/2008 3:06 PM:
which teaches the reader how to approach women
-Justin- Anyone wanna get a Lacoste polo with sent 12/14/2008 3:07 PM:
and those were one of the lines taught in the "manual". word for word i might add.
-Justin- Anyone wanna get a Lacoste polo with sent 12/14/2008 3:07 PM:
I WAS LAUGHING LIKE MAD!! STUPID 'More than alive', wanna test system only. test on the wrong girl dude! hahahaha!
anw work was fine. better. but im not working coming week. lotsa gatherings this week.
mon: ecp
tue: ecp
wed: tuition
thu: tuition &&& PARTAY!!!!
fri: family chalet
sat: family chalet
sun: rest
Friday, December 12, 2008
i dun wanna niam anymore.
anw he came and gave me a surprise!! i was very very shocked but i was serving a customer and boss is behind so obviously i couldnt jump in joy!!
work was SUPPOSED TO END at 10pm. but i was only released near to 11pm. WTF. lyn and swen, him and his fren were waiting for me. i went to find lyn and swen first cus i know i would cry and hug lyn. and i didnt want him to see me crying, especially in front of his fren. he was everything sweet, bought daisy and sushi for me (: i was kindaf cold to him cus i want him to accompany his fren. felt kindaf bad. but i think he understands? hope so.
sat: 2pm to 11pm (HELLO?! 11pm??!!)
sun: 10am to 6pm (hopefully by then i am not dead)
more and more sufferings and niamings to come..
Thursday, December 11, 2008
More than alive. says:
hey you know what.i have an intuition about you.in front of people you act so strong and so happy.when you're all alone reality slams back in and you're actually rather soft.and you're the kind of girl who pretend you don't care about what people think or say but you'd think about what happened on the long bus ride home.
More than alive. says:
lol i'm just guessing.so are you gonna start showing the soft side to someone who hit your soft spot or just ignore the fact that he hit you straight on.
More than alive. says:
it's just what i observed.lol.you have that look in your eyes which just breaks off if i just look at you for too long.
More than alive. says:
yea but it's the first time you're being mean.sometimes you shouln't be mean to 'counter' your softness.
anyway i finally met up with my dearies - jean and jacqueline, after sooo long. since jean's birthday in feb. jean's still the same, enjoying her working life now. jac, still the same old missy, short-hot-bad tempered. shopped ard the new largest suburban mall - jurong point 2 and went to have pizza hut for dinner and some catching up. we used to be regular patrons of coffee bean and yes, we went there as well as the new starbucks.
today was the first day of my work in skinfood @ jp2. everything went well at first. i had a numebr of sales. then i wasnt very happy after a while. cus of a stupid mistake i made. we earn commission as individuals. so we have to change cashier name everytime. then i was happily settling the sale of a SIGNIFICANT amount. only to realise that it was under my colleague's name!!!! so she fking earned a considerable amount of commission for doing nth and me, talking so much to the customer! and she was like complaining that she's demoralised for not selling anything la bla bla bla before this. forget it. GEI TA LA!
on the other hand, i was really really glad. cus of lyn, min, swen, ed, cn, wx.
- they came to jp2 and skinfood to visit me even though i know and they know they're not gonna buy.
- they waited for me to go home and shop a lil tgt even though it only lasted for like 20 mins.
- they had dinner with me even though i could only join them for like 15 mins.
- they listened to me niam even though i think they might not understand any shit.
- they lend me their shoulders even though im very heavy.
- they made me laugh even though i was half dead at the end of the day.
- they made my day.
- they were there. they always do.
it might only be little acts to them. but they are HUGE ones to me. i love them. really. they made me feel fortunate living on this planet earth. i told mummy bout work and my darlingss. my mummy loves them too. heheheh :)
not forgetting you, i feel loved :)
what more can i ask for?
Tuesday, December 09, 2008
Friday, December 05, 2008
mst was fucked up. gonna fail big time.
anw thanks all of my darlings that bother to ask what's wrong with me. loves!
thats one of the primary purpose of blogging i guess. of cus i dun blog to let you guys know that im sad and i need your attention. but i just blogged to 'vomit' how i feel.
as sad as i could be, i really couldnt remember what exactly happened that upset me the other time. i've forgotten and furthermore, who wants to rmb sad memories? anw, it's a settled and going on well now.
MST's finally over! and here comes our three weeks holidays!! went to dbl o with xy, lyn, swen, cn, xy, mj and terrence. not quite amazing. cus no aircon and *cannot be mentioned on net*, but the alcohol there are DARN cheap. i went off earlier, my bro came to fetch me. had mac for supper and slept at 4.30am. was 'disturbed' this morning, met him up and had breakie at jp tgt.
hols' short. real short and i have loads of things to do.
- projectssssss
- driving
- work @ skinfood
- tuition
- dance
- catching up with old frens
- camp
- family chalet
- partaysss
- fs's bbq
杨思敏 says:
i must change for the better
杨思敏 says:
must be more shu nu abit
peishan says:
i oso
杨思敏 says:
u alrdy shu nu liaos wad
peishan says:
peishan says:
peishan says:
杨思敏 says:
dun have mehs??
杨思敏 says:
i think u shu nu lehs
u dunno only lahs
peishan says:
peishan says:
hahahaha. nevertheless, im still over the moon~~!! hhaha!!
Sunday, November 30, 2008
is it me or is it you, or is it not meant to be
why did i let myself believe miracles could happen
cause now i have to pretend i dont really care
i confused my feelings with the truth
im standing here but all I want is to be over there
when you smiled you made me feel like I could sing along
but then you went and changed the words
now my heart is empty
and you just left like this
Saturday, November 29, 2008
"why work so hard when you know you vant get into uni?"
keeps repeating in my small mind. argh.
4.30 - 5.30 pm
2.30 - 3.30 pm
10 - 11 am
2.30 - 3.30 pm
Thursday, November 27, 2008
alright, shall let you guys peek into my life a little. tuesday i did something stupid. but i didnt mind.
i was very very very cui in my t shirt, horts and specs on. i looked like a total nerd. went to meet him. decided to go mos burger to eat. who knows, thank god for the coincidence, the whole mos was full of his frens. fish. i was fking cui that day and fking unlucky can. 1 or 2 frens nvm, its like, 10 of them? oh fish oh fish. after his frens left, we went to mac to study.
till the next morning, went to school and showered (in respective washrooms). xinyi the ba po said that we're losers! and she publicised the fact that i showered in sch to everyone laaaa!!! nvm hahaha. i didnt pay for my utilities bill la everyone. hahaha.
i was fking early for my wed 8am tutorial! reached fc6 at 7.20am. nv been in sch so early before (excluding the times in sb club). was literally a living zombie walking ard sch. the fking annonying lecturer that made me cry fking made me pek cek somemore. its okay. im cool *breathe in and out*
i was worried as i think i seriously looked cui and his frens might think that how come he hangs out with this fking cui girl?! but he was alright with it. even though his fren said im cui. who knows if he's speaking the truth. hahaa. its okay. next time i shall look at least a lil better without my specs.
yes, i wore this and played badminton with my classmates. and i trashed weijun!!!

Monday, November 24, 2008

after staying in the musuem for long, we went up the terrace of esplanade. surprisingly, not alot of couples. it's truely a romantic place. with the vocalist's soothing voice singing relaxing songs, i felt at ease for a moment. until 10+pm, the flyer was so dazzling with many different changing lightings. very pretty.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
but was quite a good day after that.
bklaw - late
fp - fuck
was crying during fp. why are all the people around me hypocrites? cant they just be real? or this is the fact of life, and one day, i'll be like them? after that lesson, washed up. went to fc 6.
someone tapped my shoulder and a familiar voice said
"hello, excuse me.."
and i started screaming and laughing like mad.
guess who appeared when i was damn damn down..
my charming prince, VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV !!!!!!!
its been almost half a year since i last met him. he appeared whenever i was so damn cui. hahahaa. but that's not the point. he's in the airforce now and he's as nice and charming as ever. he came back for career fair. after meeting him, i was damn damn damn damn blooooody high!!! muahahhaha!!!!
treasury, and met him for lunch at 3??!! was quite lethargic as i wanna go for the career fair with frens. original plan was to go career fair with frens, eat in sch with him, meet kh. but he didnt wanna eat in sch. so we went to career fair for a lil while, F called me and ran away. kindaf awkward? anw, town-ed and xin wang-ed.
he went to meet his family and i went back home. KO-ed and was having TERRIBLE headache. feels liike dying literally. gave up of even touching the tutorial for itfd. even gave up hope of going to sch tmr. but min might be coming over to sp tmr. i would miss out the fun. ahh whatever. see how.
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Friday, November 14, 2008
2. CLICK ON THIS : http://www.karaokeparty.com/en/
HAHAHAHAHA! DAMN HIGH!!! the guys and i were talking about this website over lunch. and staright after that, we went to buy mics! i came back home and slept all the way till evening. and started singing till then. FUN FUN FUN!!
he's enjoying himself in da club now! and im stuck home doing bd :(
yes, again. told you guys, it's on a daily basis.
update soon.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
IM SO DAMN SICK (all of the above) AND TIRED (projects and tutorials and upcoming msts and more projectsssss), LITERALLY, NOW.
can i take a day's off? no, i better save it up for future's usage, in case i really really really wanna skip sch. its not that im too obedient not to skip school, but i just know that once i start skipping, i can never stop myself.
have been seeing the guys ard in sch, so happy! love them! played badminton just now. finally some sweat. changed my driving school's membership to a private one. im ready to go for practicals!
so many things to do, so little time (uncountable times ive been repeating this).
i know i understand. i have to.
Sunday, November 09, 2008
many unforgettable and happiest moments in my life. i jus couldnt update. i know it's obscene to have clicked and seen the obscene words not even by scrolling my blog down. please forgive. i freaking have no time.
please visit the above mentioned blogs if you wanna know more (: if not then fish off.
love my frens. love them.
lastly, i am still alive and kicking.
Sunday, November 02, 2008
okay. what has happened. all i can rmb now is that:
- bd is fucking pissing me off
- lyn's birthday celebration. updates when pics are in
- i love my sweet girlies for the balloons taht made my day
- i love my darlings. been spending three consecutive days with them. they made me laugh like no one's business
- im sunburnt now
- too many things happen in the shortest span of time
please buy me the tee shirt that xinyi has, 'im tired of meeting mr wrong'. hahahaha!
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Sunday, October 19, 2008
mon - sweet sweet kinder bueno! that saved my life from the brain juice-sucking 3 hours A maths lesson. saw this and this and this and that. xinyi, got it? seems like many like to go fc6 on the first day of sch huh.
tue - went to fc1, saw that. so xinyi bought me greentea (: lunched with jocelyn, ailing and joyce. saw this and this. on our way back to sb, saw that in fc3. break from lecture, met up with kokhow, swensen and cn. thanks kokhow for the gift! i love it! saw that again. this was kajiao-ing mj, xy and i.
wed - his lecture was just next to mine. after sch, out with him! cathay to cine. big stan. funny show. had fun the whole day!
fri - first off day of the sem. only once. dun have to envy. rest of fridays, i'll have to go to sch for only a 2-hour tutuorial. tuition and met up with joyce from skinfood. im going to work there since mid nov in jp. i just wanted to try it out. but didnt know i'll be selected. sorry lyn. im sad not working with you too! ):
sat - mummy's day
sun - dinner?
Sunday, October 12, 2008

yesterday was spent with my lovely lovelies. i met up with lyn first then we went ahead to bugis. min came and we headed to town. shopped shopped shopped. updated updated updated. had the suckiest fried rice ive ever ate. dropped by starbucks and chatted. left at about 11+pm and chatted in jp mac until 1am. walked home alone while min walked with lyn to stay over at her place. so scary seriously. so cold. but ive got you! muahahaha! you wun be seeing this (:
showered and all. crashed into my bed. BUT, i cant sleep. chatted until 5am. and i woke up at 2+pm today! achievement! hehehe.
tmr's school is gonna start. TURN OFF. i haven got enough fun yet! school better be as fun as it was last sem. i think im going to drag my feet to school as usual ):
at least, you make me happy.
Thursday, October 09, 2008
Monday, October 06, 2008
seriously if you think my previous hair is nicer, dont tell me. just wait okay. wait for my hair to grow all over again. give me half a year. yes i love my previous hair. and am regretting now.
seriously i think its time for me to give up. you feel nothing. its obvious. what's more, there are so many factors to consider between us.
the root of all of the above. yes, im sad.
ladies and gentlemen, i'd made a drastic decision today.
right, 'CHEY!!!'
im kindaf sick and tired of my long hair and decided to cut it today at storm, jp. its FREAKING SHORT now :(
from this,
to this!!!
i can no longer twirl my hair. but i quite like it this way. it's so much lighter now!!
anw sat was spent celebrating swen's birthday. watched eagle eye. alright only. has shokudo for dinner. walked from bugis to esplanade to visit cookies museum. sat by the river and chit chatted. bro fetched me from there and off we went to shenton way's party world. sang till 3am.
here are some pics in the esplanade toilet. the guys were mad waiting outside. hahaa!
C to E la! (hidden meaning)
the twinniessssss!
eeeeeerieeeeeeee pic!
anw my timetable's out. sucks. mostly 8am / 9am. no DT but WMS. damn it. uncle tan, change class la! our class missed you since the last sem! friday's only lesson, hopefully can change to tueday's 3hr's break, please ching ching!
i guess it's all over right now.
how i wish i can have to courage to tell you ily.
but i think you already forgot about me and everything we once shared.
i wanna live in self denial, if i can.
Thursday, October 02, 2008
DAY 4 - the last day of sgp (singapore grand prix)
we were as busy as always and the weather was as warm and humid as always. we took lotsa pics that day.
back row (left to right): peishan, mark, wanting, emokid (i dunno his name!)
front row: linmin, asmida, meiyu
back row (left to right): zul (supervisor), enqi, tavis (self proclaimed supervisor)
front row: peishan, lina, wanting
DAY 3 - the second day of sgp
after a long day's work, we spent some time watching the support races. and took some pics.

it was miserable when we were having lunch everyday. some of us would have to collect food from esplanade and bring back to the store, where we spent our time eating in a row, looking at the shelves and eat disgusting food.
DAY 2 - the first day of sgp
was fun and was darn busy. people actually dun mind buying overcharged stuff. anw this ferrari crew bought some stuff some us and he asked if we could take a photo with him. HE'S NOT A BANGALA!! if he is, i would not take a pic with him! tavis, a guy colleague, actually offered himself to take a pic with him. cmon man. we didnt have to! hahaha!
DAY 1 - set up the store for the actual next day
i reluctantly dragged my feet to marina square, gate 7. and we were then split into groups. i was being posted to padang. which we couldnt see the track as the track was actually surrounding us. the antisocial peishan made some new frens there. and the whole of padang sgp merchandise store, there were only 2 non sp-ians. so the guy actually got it all from us.
i was darn hungry and ta dah. our supervisor's supervisor actually treated us macdonald's! so the whole of marina sq's mac was filled with half of the whole sgp merchandise staff. we were lucky as we were the only group who was being treated.
6pm. knocked off. and we had the chance of going up the grandstand. when the police hadnt appeared.

front row: mark, azmida (if i rmb her name), tavis
as we tot that we could go back home, we were to go to city hall, another merchandise store to help them out. all i can say was padang people was really efficient, within awhile later, everything was settled and we were slacking already. as we were slacking, we did some stupid stuff.
it's a 39 dollar bear mind you.